Why Does Adler Shoot Bell? A Summary

Spoiler warning: This article contains plot details about the ending of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

In one of the possible climactic endings of the Cold War campaign, the playable character Bell is shot by Russell Adler, a CIA agent leading the mission to take down the Soviet operative code-named Perseus. This shocking betrayal sparked strong reactions and debates within the Call of Duty community.

Bell‘s Backstory

First, some background on Bell. Originally a covert agent loyal to Perseus, Bell was almost killed and then brainwashed using illegal MK-Ultra mind-control techniques by Adler’s CIA team into becoming a double agent working against their old ally.

Throughout the campaign, players control Bell as they battle Perseus‘ forces. But in the final mission, Bell’s true origins as a Perseus loyalist are revealed. At this point, Adler no longer sees Bell as trustworthy.

Adler‘s Motivations

As for Adler, his sole driving motivation is taking down Perseus at potentially any cost. Even the use of torture and unethical mind manipulation against Bell earlier in the story highlights the moral ambiguity of Adler‘s obsessive pursuit.

In the ending where he shoots Bell, Adler coldly prioritizes completing the mission over any personal attachment or loyalty to the brainwashed agent. To him, Bell is now expendable.

The Shooting

In this concluding chapter, set in the Duga radar facility, Bell attempts to trick Perseus into thinking they are still on his side. But Adler, seeing Bell as an irredeemable traitor, shoots and appears to fatally wound Bell before escaping with his team.

Controversy and Themes

This conclusion where Adler executes his own turned agent proved controversial with fans and reinforced the game’s critiques regarding the moral cost of pursuing enemies at any price. It capped off the tragedy of Bell, used as an unwilling pawn by both sides.

Ultimately, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War aims to explore murky moral dilemmas. The player is left to judge characters like Adler and Bell who make difficult choices in a world of ethical ambiguity and spy games.

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