Why Does Auron Hide His Arm? Behind the Samurai Symbolism

As Final Fantasy X‘s grizzled guardian Auron keeps his left arm tucked into his blood-red haori kimono jacket, he evokes the quintessential image of a wandering rōnin samurai. For these masterless warriors, hiding an arm inside one‘s garment represents losing the master they once served while continuing to grasp their weapon. Read on for the symbolic meaning behind Auron‘s appearance and what it says about his stoic character.

The Legendary Guardian

Auron‘s distinctive look matches his status as a battle-hardened protector sworn to defend High Summoner Braska‘s daughter Yuna in her own quest to defeat Sin. Hailing from the warrior monks of Bevelle, Auron became legendary as one of the guardians who helped Braska sacrifice himself to achieve the last Calm 10 years prior.

After Braska‘s defeat of Sin, Yunalesca killed Auron. But through sheer willpower, Auron resisted becoming a fiend and persisted in an unsent state between life and death. His spirit held onto mortal plane out of dedication to fulfilling promises to his friend Jecht and watching over Jecht‘s son Tidus and Braska‘s daughter Yuna.

The Symbolism of the Ronin

By tucking his left arm into his red haori kimono jacket, Auron bears the appearance of a "rōnin" – a wandering samurai without a master. Ronin often symbolized the loss of their master by hiding an arm in their garment while keeping their other hand on their weapon, representing their continued fighting spirit.

Famous ronin in Japanese media include the manga swordsmen Kenshin Himura and Guts. Like Auron, these warriors wander the land following codes of honor in search of redemption, with hidden arms signaling fractured pasts.

So Auron‘s concealed arm signals his unsent nature – a warrior clinging to existence beyond death thanks sheer devotion. Despite losing his master, he grips his weapon and persists based on oaths to protect others.

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Where Did Auron Lose His Arm?

While Auron clearly still has both arms in FFX, fans hotly debate if he lost his left arm before the events shown. Prominent theories include:

  • Lost to Yunalesca: Auron injured his arm battling Lady Yunalesca after Braska‘s Final Aeon defeated Sin.
  • Sacrificed Arm to Live: Auron cut off his arm to brand himself with holy scripture that anchors his soul.
  • Sustained in Training: Years as warrior monk caused lasting damage to left arm.

Evidence shows Auron lived at least 5 years after fighting Yunalesca before joining Braska‘s pilgrimage. So if he did lose an arm, it likely occurred earlier. Perhaps he sacrificed it enhance rituals keeping his spirit bound to the mortal plane. Or previous battles left it irreparably wounded, making the rōnin look fitting.

What FFX Symbolism Says About Auron

Donning the garb and mannerisms of a wandering samurai without a master, Auron cuts a striking form as a battle-hardened ronin persisting out of duty and devotion despite death. With his red haori hiding a permanently injured or anchor-branded left arm, his appearance befits an unsent ever ready to draw his gigantic katana in defense of others.

Auron‘s concealment of his arm even resembles Guts from Berserk, who also hides a limb lost protecting others. By echoing these swordsmen seeking redemption, Auron‘s iconography tells of a fractured warrior clinging to existence to fulfill promises and guardianships. For 10 years he has stood watch over Dream Zanarkand out of oaths to Jecht and Braska. And now he has descended into Spira to guide Yuna towards victory against Sin just as he once walked with her father.

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Through Auron‘s rōnin aspect, FFX shows how willpower and devotion allow broken souls to transcend death for the sake of duty. As producer Yoshinori Kitase explains, Auron “persists between life and death to fulfill a purpose, a mission”. Like the game’s unsent maesters clinging onto existence through unfinished business or unkept vows, Auron exemplifies this theme through his very visage.

All in all, the wandering ronin aesthetic perfectly encapsulates Auron‘s backstory and motivations. By taking on this classic samurai imagery, FFX visually conveys his fractured yet unrelenting spirit devoted to his guardianship above all else – even the grave.

With his arm tucked into his blood-haori, jug of sake on his hip and hulking sword on his back, Auron personifies the quintessential roaming samurai – alone but unbent, battered but unbroken, clinging to existence through sheer purpose. By adopting this classic imagery, Final Fantasy X externalizes Auron‘s unsent nature, undying guardianship and motivation for persisting beyond mortal bounds.

So the next time you play FFX and see Auron‘s concealed arm, know it represents the duty-bound warrior‘s fractured past and endless devotion still grasping his sword in defense of his new master. Yuna has inherited her father Braska‘s quest just as Auron has inherited his lord‘s undying guardianship. And like the wandering ronin of old, Auron will cleave through death itself to see both promises fulfilled.

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