Why Does Barbatos Hate Rats?

As an avid Obey Me! gamer and Demonology Digest blogger, I have a burning fascination with why the meticulous demon butler Barbatos harbors such an intense, unexplained disgust towards rats. After digging deep into hints scattered across lore and legends, I‘ve pieced together some compelling theories on this mystery!

The Most Likely Reasons Behind Barbatos‘ Revulsion

  1. Omens of Death: Rats represent ill fortune and demise for royalty – a threat to Lord Diavolo
  2. Symbols of Decay: Their voracity and poor hygiene offends Barbatos‘ orderly sensibilities
  3. Harbingers of Chaos: Rat swarms may destabilize Barbatos‘ tightly-controlled environment
  4. Mythological Evil: Ancient associations of rats with occult evil, death, and trickery

Now let‘s scrutinize the evidence and speculation in delectable detail! This ancient grimoire may contain secrets yet unknown to even Barbatos himself…

Section 1: Harbingers of Death for Demon Royalty

As the unfailingly proper attendant to Diavolo‘s prosperous dynasty, Barbatos remains ever alert to portents of misfortune or threats to his prince‘s wellbeing. With rats‘ notorious ties to disease, famine, and disadvantage throughout human history, Barbatos doubtless perceives them as ill omens.

1.1 Rats Precede the Downfall of Kings

  • 14th century‘s Black Death: Rat fleas transmitted bubonic plague that killed 25+ million
    • Widely seen as divine retribution against morally corrupt nobility
  • French revolution sparked by food shortages partly caused by rats and crop failure
  • "Rats leave a sinking ship": association with abandoning doomed, collapsing leadership

This data suggests rats make Barbatos uneasy due to his protective role for the prince.

Cause of Royal DownfallsDeath Toll
Bubonic Plague25+ million
French Revolution40,000+ beheaded
Sinking ShipsThousands drowned

Such catastrophic maiming of humans offers a mere glimpse at the havoc a demonic rat infestation could wreak! As the orderly force binding the chaos of Devildom, Barbatos has zero tolerance for vulnerabilities in the realm he oversees.

Even one filthy, scraping rat claw could scratch Lord Diavolo‘s polished shoes! This cannot stand.

1.2 Modern Views: Rats Undermine Infrastructure

Today, urban legends claim seeing a white rat signifies coming difficulties or death^1. And infrastructure decay provoked by destructive rodents still poses economic and safety threats for modern cities:

  • Rats in landfill sewers cause pipe erosion costing billions
  • Rodents gnaw electrical wires causing fire risks
  • Hungry rats spark fires gobbling soy-coated fiber optic cables

Extrapolating such infrastructural havoc to a demonic scale boggles the mind. Let‘s estimate rats can corrode pipes 5x faster with acidic hellsaliva – that bumps financial threat into trillions over a century! And Satan only knows what havoc they‘d wreak scampering among Leviathan‘s precious anime figurine collection.

Clearly these data projections validate Barbatos‘ anti-rat position as protector of the realm!

  1. Unknown. "White Rat Superstition", Occult Fan Forum, 2022.

Section 2 dives into deep lore on occult mythology supporting theories on Barbatos‘ hatred. Buckle up, things are getting esoteric!

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