Why Does Felix Dislike Dimitri in Fire Emblem: Three Houses?

As an avid Fire Emblem fan, you‘ve likely wondered about the strained relationship between childhood friends Felix and Dimitri in the latest entry. What could have driven Felix to denounce the prince as a "boar" and view him with such disdain? Let‘s analyze some key factors behind this falling out:

Felix Lost Respect Upon Witnessing Dimitri‘s Brutality

During the suppression of a rebellion in the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus, Felix observed Dimitri slaughter enemies without restraint. The prince‘s vicious bloodlust shocked Felix, drastically shifting his perspective.

"After the rebellion, I returned to the castle with his highness. But when I saw him… He was a monster, covered in the blood of those he had killed. Darkness… That is what I saw." – Felix on Dimitri

This harrowing experience made Felix lose faith in his former friend.

Opposing Perspectives on Duty, Loyalty, and Justice

Felix and Dimitri seem to view duty and justice through different ethical frameworks informed by their backgrounds:

PrioritiesLoyalty, obedience, social orderReason, evidence, objective truth
CodeKnightly ideals of honor and fealtyJudge situations accurately without bias
OutlookEmotional, ideologicalLogical, pragmatic

With such fundamentally conflicting worldviews, it is no surprise Felix finds Dimitri‘s principled devotion to king and kingdom despite signs of instability to be absurd and dangerous.

Trauma and Self-Blame Make Reconciliation Difficult

Felix expresses regret over being unable to prevent Dimitri‘s downward spiral, suggesting he feels partially responsible. Trauma from seeing Dimitri‘s brutality firsthand combined with guilt over failing his friend make it challenging for Felix to restore their bond.

Ultimately, only by addressing the core issues destroying their friendship can Felix and Dimitri move forward. Their opposing perspectives will continue driving a wedge otherwise. Perhaps in time they will better understand each other.

This has been one gamer‘s analysis – please share your own thoughts below! I welcome spirited yet respectful discussion on this compelling character drama.

By: [Your name] Fire Emblem Correspondent

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