Why Does Koraidon Have Non-Functional Wheels? An Investigative Report

As an avid Pokémon fan and content creator, few gaming mysteries intrigue me more than the anomalous wheels protruding from Koraidon‘s hind legs and tail in the recent Scarlet and Violet games. This prehistoric-inspired legendary creature perplexingly runs on all fours, rendering its own built-in wheels seemingly useless. Across message boards and social platforms, the question burns: why equip a Pokémon with wheels if they serve no discernible purpose?

I‘ve played over 300 hours of Pokémon games, written strategy guides dissecting mechanics, and even won a competitive tournament or two back in my heyday. Given my expertise, I felt compelled to get to the bottom of this conspiracy. Analyzing every clue, my conclusion is that Game Freak deliberately designed Koraidon this way to foreshadow future revelations…but I‘m getting ahead of myself.

The Paradox Pokémon

Koraidon falls under the new "Paradox Pokémon" classification – creatures from different eras sucked into the present (or future) via unknown spacetime distortions. The mythology explains Koraidon‘s ancient, almost primordial aesthetic, including its dinosaur/lizard hybrid design.

Table: Key Traits of Koraidon

As a battle monster, Koraidon boasts tremendous speed and attack capabilities. Its signature move, Collision Course, inflicts massive damage by manipulating time itself. Clearly this beast harnesses primal energies, bending the very fabric of reality.

Koraidon Concept Art

Early concept art shows designers gravitated towards wheel-like protrusions early on, suggesting key relevance. Indeed, initial fan reactions focused heavily on Koraidon‘s locomotive anomalies. Questions flooded in – why construct wheels an quadruped won‘t utilize? Merely decoration? Vestigial remnants? There had to be more at play.

Aquatic Propulsion

Official sources confirmed the smooth, rounded structures assist aquatic mobility, not land movement. By flipping vertically, they provide propulsion and flotation for swimming and floating. Reasonable explanation…but something smells fishy.

Water traversal in Pokémon rarely receives such elaborate anatomical treatment. As exhibit A – fan favorite Lapras lacks any physiological paddle configurations. Design choices clearly reflect story significance and gameplay functionality. So why bother building elaborate spinning wheels just for basic surfing skills? There must be additional meaning behind this peculiar detail.

The Wheel Mysteries Deepen

Scarlet and Violet revolutionary added multiplayer open world functionality. For the first time, friends can jointly explore the Paldea region and seamlessly integrate battle and catching mechanics. However, despite such next-gen capabilities, Game Freak missed huge viral marketing potential not incorporating wheel-based land travel for Koraidon.

Imagine the views and buzz generated if players could ride this majestic beast like a motorcycle! Gliding through Paldea‘s countryside atop a fearsome dragon while your friends race alongside…what a wasted opportunity. This begs the question – why wouldn‘t designers leverage such obvious commercial appeal if Koraidon‘s wheels at least can serve a terrestrial transportation purpose? The only sensible conclusion – they have alternative plans for unveiling their grand vision in future installments!

Looking To The Future

History shows Pokémon holds some game-changing surprises close to the vest. When first encountered, the mythical Mewtwo seemed just another powerful psychic clone. Only years later did its shadowy origin story unfold, establishing deep lore connections. Similarly, investigate Koraidon‘s wheels further illuminates untapped potential.

I predict these vestigial structures once played integral role in Koraidon‘s past, possibly tying into the cataclysmic events sending Paradox Pokémon hurtling through eras. Perhaps they harnessed time-bending capacities allowing this beast to "ride the currents" of spacetime itself! And what exciting future developments might Game Freak have in store? With gears and rings adorning its body, might Koraidon gain clockwork/steampunk-inspired regional forms? Could artificial improvements like motorized wheel attachments boost speed and stamina? Fan speculation runs rampant, as the wheels‘ greater purpose lurks just over the horizon!

In conclusion, the mystery remains unsolved. Like an iceberg, we‘ve only glimpsed the visible tip regarding Koraidon‘s puzzling wheels. Yet chilling possibilities churn just below the surface. What will the next chapter in this cryptic lore epic reveal? I‘ll be watching closely, Dual-Disk wheels at the ready should Koraidon finally unleash its enigmatic powers!

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