Why Does Link Have Pink Hair in A Link to the Past?

In the 1991 Super Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Link‘s sprite has pink hair when he is in the Dark World. Over the years, fans have wondered about this small detail and its meaning.

Technical Limitations

The most likely explanation is that the Dark World had a more limited color palette that did not allow for Link‘s regular blond hair color. With the capabilities of 16-bit graphics at the time, every color and shade used was carefully chosen.

User Snarwin has speculated that the pink hair results from Link‘s transformation into a bunny in the Dark World. With his new bunny form taking up some of the limited color slots, his hair color had to change to pink to fit in the remaining palette.

So in summary, the pink hair is probably just a consequence of technical constraints, not an intentional design choice.

Artistic Choice?

However, the developers did consciously choose which colors to assign to the Dark World palette. So while the pink hair may have been unavoidable, they likely also felt it fit with the off-kilter, alternative realm they created.

The Dark World is a shadowy, distorted reflection of Hyrule where many things are strangely shifted from their natural state. So Link‘s sudden pink hair helps sell the idea that this is a bizarre, almost surreal domain.

The Evolution of Link‘s Hair Color

While we may never know the exact thought process behind Pixel Link‘s pink hair, it has undeniably become an iconic part of A Link to the Past‘s distinct look and feel.

Let‘s quickly recap how Link‘s hair color has evolved across the series:

  • The Legend of Zelda (NES, 1986) – Brown
  • Zelda II (NES, 1987) – Brown
  • A Link to the Past (SNES, 1991) – Brown in Light World, Pink in Dark World
  • Ocarina of Time (N64, 1998) – Blonde
  • The Wind Waker (GameCube, 2002) – Blonde
  • Twilight Princess (GameCube/Wii, 2006) – Blonde

Beginning with Ocarina of Time, blonde has clearly become the standard color for Link‘s hair across modern Zelda games. But the pink Pixel Link remains a unique relic of 16-bit times.


So while limitations may have forced the change from gameplay logistics, the pink-haired Dark World Link has become an iconic bit of 90s gaming nostalgia. It exemplifies how creative developers can turn technical constraints into an artistic statement.

And the mystery behind the decision will likely inspire curiosity and debate among Zelda fans for years to come!

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