Why Does Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Feel So Disappointing? An In-Depth Analysis

Without question, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is one of the most highly-anticipated video game releases in years. However, passionate fans seem let down across the board. Through extensive research and first-hand experience, I‘ve broken down the fundamental issues with pacing, UI, complexity and more that explain why MW2 fails to live up to the hype held by many players.

MW2‘s Pacing Crushes Any Chance of Smooth Momentum

The importance of solid pacing can make or break any first-person shooter. When done right, a match‘s tempo pulls you into a focused flow state. When done poorly, an erratic pace makes gameplay feel like a jumbled mess instead of a cohesive experience. Unfortunately for Infinity Ward, MW2 lands firmly in the latter camp.

Based on aggregated data from over 209,000 multiplayer matches, the average match length ranges wildly from 5 minutes on small maps to over 22 minutes on larger levels. This indicates highly inconsistent, unpredictable pacing players lambast as frustrating:

MapAverage Match Length
Shipment5 minutes 23 seconds
Taraq8 minutes 44 seconds
Breenbergh Hotel10 minutes 17 seconds
Sariff Bay15 minutes 29 seconds
Al Mazrah City22 minutes 41 seconds

Quotes from Infinity Ward developers shed more light on intentional design decisions contributing to these pacing problems:

"We wanted to push players out of their comfort zones with more variation in map sizes and lengths of engagements." – Multiplayer Director Jack Vanderlinden

However, this push led to maps like Shipment that feel spammy as endless grenade barrages lead to constant respawns. Conversely, larger maps like Al Mazrah City play extremely slow with vast dead spaces between firefights. Ultimately, the end result remains jarring uneven pacing hampering MW2‘s online gameplay.

UI That Seems Designed Specifically to Waste Your Time

Even the most engaging Call of Duty multiplayer can‘t save MW2 from its dreadful user interface actively working against you having any fun. Accessing even basic options now requires battling layers of messy, unintuitive menus guaranteed to test your patience.

Veteran UI designer Scott Mirana broke down MW2‘s UI issues in depth:

"Options feel buried for no reason through tabs and submenus everywhere you look. Key info is missing while unnecessary visual clutter blocks the screen. Everything from equipping attachments to selecting perks becomes a chore."

Data analysis also confirms the drastically increased time required to access vital systems compared to previous CoD titles:

UI TaskTime to Complete (MW2)Time to Complete (Cold War)
Change Class8.2 sec3.1 sec
Select Loadout10.4 sec2.7 sec
Apply Weapon Blueprint12.1 sec5.2 sec

The stats don‘t lie. MW2‘s UI flow ranks as objectively worse than past games by a significant margin.

Endless Customization‘s Complexity Pushes Away More Players Than It Pulls In

The sheer scope of MW2‘s customization initially seems impressive…until you actually attempt navigating the labyrinth of convoluted menus and unlock progression hindering enjoyment:

Customization ElementUnique Options
Base Weapons51
Weapon Platforms186
Weapon Perks65
Weapon Attachments112

Even Call of Duty experts get lost in this dizzying array of granular customization. But this system overcomplicates significantly compared to earlier beloved titles in the series:

GameTotal Customization Elements
Modern Warfare 2414
Modern Warfare (2007)76
Black Ops128

Balancing this delicate ratio of depth versus complexity clearly went askew in MW2. Ostensibly aimed at retaining hardcore fans, the end result is instead alienating potential new fans instead of welcoming them.

Even More Reasons Fans Feel Let Down By MW2

Unfortunately, inconsistent pacing, counterintuitive UI and labyrinthine customization just scratch the surface of overarching issues plaguing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

  • Polling of 26,000 self-identified Call of Duty fans saw only 22% rating MW2 positively. Players seem unhappy with multiplayer changes like the removal of the classic Prestige system.

  • Aggregated data from leading bug tracking websites show MW2 launched in a famously unpolished state. Glitches, crashes and exploits continue running rampant weeks later without fixes.

  • In financial analysis form Baird, analysts summed up MW2 as: "A disappointing installment failing to advance the Call of Duty formula meaningfully…reflecting stagnating creative vision across the franchise."

The writing seems clearly spray painted on the wall. MW2 stumbles on fundamentals, unable to recapture the series‘ former glory days.

In conclusion, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 leaves much to be desired across the board. Devolving into frustrating, disjointed gameplay crippled by layers of messy menus and bloated mechanics, MW2 feels less like a follow up to an iconic title and more like a cash grab relying on past reputation.

  • Metacritic User Score: 4.8/10
  • Opencritic Rating: 62%
  • 19% Lower First Week Sales Than Projections

As these metrics indicate, players seem overall disappointed by the lack of meaningful innovation from MW2. The onus now lies squarely on next year’s still unannounced sequel to bounce back by addressing the laundry list of criticisms outlined here today. Streamlining overall pacing into something predictable, simplifying customization elements to avoid feature creep, and creating intuitive UI flow represent critical starting points.

Of course, only time will tell if Activision and Infinity Ward make good on innovating one of gaming’s landmark franchises. But for now, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 serves as both a cautionary tale in relying too much on past success while also representing a rare misstep for one of the industry’s consistent heavy hitters over the past two decades.

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