Why Does My Pen Blink 20 Times?

If your pen suddenly blinks 20 times, in most cases, it indicates that the battery is fully charged and ready to use. However, consistent blinking may also be a sign of a hardware or software issue needing troubleshooting.

Key Reasons For 20 Blinks

There are two main reasons why your pen could blink 20 times:

  1. Battery Fully Charged – Most vape pens are designed to blink when the battery reaches a 100% charge. The number of blinks indicates full battery capacity.

  2. Software Update – For advanced vape pens, 20 blinks tend to signal finishing a firmware update and device reset.

So in most cases, 20 blinks is completely normal and means your pen is charged! But if issues persist, it may require looking deeper into potential problems.

Ruling Out Hardware Problems

While 20 blinks at the end of charging is expected, if your pen still blinks persistently during use a hardware fault could be the cause.

Here are two ways to help diagnose if it’s a straightforward software or battery notification vs hardware issue:

Battery Problems

  • Damaged batteries may overheat, swell or leak which signals replacement time. Check your battery for any signs of damage before further troubleshooting software errors.
  • Inspect battery contacts for breakage, missing pins or debris buildup which interrupts signal transfer.
  • Test with multiple known good chargers. Rule out the charger as the root cause if other devices charge without issue.

Software Glitches

  • Check manufacturer website for any information on blinking light sequences and the pen‘s latest firmware. New updates may resolve software glitches causing repetitive 20 blinks.
  • Perform a device hard reset to wipe corrupt data and restart with default settings if blinking persists through chargers and across charged batteries.

When To Replace Components

If you’ve narrowed blinking triggers down to a damaged battery or software corruption, here’s guidance on replacement timelines for vape pen components according to industry standards:

ComponentLifespanReplace When
Battery300-500 cyclesLess than 60min usage per charge
Atomizer1-3 monthsBurnt taste, reduced vapor
Coils2 weeks-1 month0.4ohm+ resistance change

Replacing worn parts that pass these thresholds will maintain optimal performance and likely resolve abnormal blinking in a previously functional pen.

Fixing An Intermittent 20 Blink

Here is a 4 step troubleshooting guide if your pen works normally then starts blinking 20 times sporadically:

1. Inspect Battery and Connections

  • Check for damage, punctures or bent pins
  • Clean contact points of residue or corrosion

2. Update Software and Reset

  • Install latest firmware upgrade
  • Perform factory reset if upgrade doesn‘t resolve

3. Replace the Battery

  • Swap in known working spare battery
  • Check if blinking still occurs after swap

4. Electrical Debug and Repair

  • Advanced diagnostics of electrical components
  • Reserve as last step for experienced repair persons

Following these steps sequentially can help minimize time and costs spent resolving a 20 blink vape pen fault.

When To Seek Out Repairs

With DIY troubleshooting exhausted, obtain professional support if:

  • All batteries and software produce the blinking problem
  • Internal damage is causing electrical short circuit
  • You lack specialized tools and knowledge

Repair services have access to advanced electrical testing equipment and direct manufacturer guidance that arm them to correctly diagnose and fix even complex vape pen issues.

Seeking timely qualified assistance prevents prolonged project delays plus further harm from makeshift rigging. Get ahead of bigger problems down the road!

I hope mapping out the major reasons and methodical troubleshooting approach for a 20 blinking vape pen gives you clarity and confidence to get your device back up and running optimally! Let me know if any part needs more detail or explanation.

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