Why Phos Seeks Vengeance as a "Magnificent Human"

Phos transforms into a "Magnificent Human" as a physical embodiment of their internal metamorphosis from naive gem to traumatized seeker of vengeance. Their body literally reconstructs itself to reflect the psychological journey of shedding their innocence in favor of ruthless pursuit of lunar blood. Let‘s analyze key phases in Phos‘ gradual corruption and eventual rebirth as human.

An Energetic Gem, Crushed By Trauma

Phos begins Houseki no Kuni as a bright-eyed gem full of childlike curiosity about their purpose. Their clumsy yet spirited personality charms fans. But after losing their first limbs to the moon people, cracks form in Phos‘ spirit. With each brutal dismemberment, depicted in vivid emotional detail by mangaka Haruko Ichikawa, Phos descends further into despair.

Some particularly scarring moments include when Phos:

  • Pleads for their legs back from the icy ocean depths
  • Helplessly watches their own arms and head get taken by the enemy
  • Fuses with the toxic remains of other gems, warping their mind

By brutally dismantling Phos piece by piece, both physically and mentally, the story shocks readers as an initially innocent character gets transformed by trauma.

From Optimism to Obsession

As Phos replaces lost limbs with new materials, they gain impressive powers. But these strengths come at the cost of Phos‘ optimism. Their sole motivation becomes hunting Lunarians, to the exclusion of all else.

What finally breaks Phos entirely is a devastating betrayal. After 230 years of endless battles using their versatile new alliance with Cinnabar, Phos returns to find all other gems wiped out by one night of Lunarian trickery.

Phos plunges into utter despair realizing their sacrifices amounted to nothing. They become obsessed with revenge.

As analyst @Gemsheart notes:

"That critical moment of helplessness unearthed Phos‘ latent vengefulness toward Lunarians for all the suffering built up over centuries."

The Ultimate Synthesis Between Three Worlds

With singular vengeance consuming their mind, Phos allows themself to be captured by Lunarians and transported to the Moon.

There Prince Aechmea presents Phos with a choice – fuse with the flesh and soul remnants of legendary beings to gain power for retaliation.

By merging with these moon people and earth creatures‘ physical forms, along with their own gem skeleton, Phos becomes an entirely new entity. They transcend the limits of gems, humans and Lunarians.

Table: Components of Phos‘ Transformation

FleshAdmiral AlbitePower of legendary moon knight
SoulLunarian PrinceWisdom of ancient lunar ruler
Mineral BodyPhos‘ own gem structureTragic immortality of gems

Sysnthesizing these ingredients unlocks Phos‘ full destructive potential against the Lunarian capital they now infiltrate.

From Genderless Gem to "Magnificent Human"

Before their metamorphosis, Phos reflected a genderless gem existence. Though appearing feminine in the anime, Phos behaved childishly pre-trauma.

But after forging their new humanoid form and swearing revenge, Phos assumes an elevated gravitas. They adopt a masculine title "The Magnificent Human" given respectfully by Lunarians.

It symbolizes Phos finally embracing a singular identity with purpose. This new role solidifies after destroying legions of moon soldiers then confronting the prince himself.

"I‘m taking everything. Your dreams, hopes, future and lives. I‘ll destroy it all. One by one."

Such ruthless words epitomize Phos‘ completion of their vengeful arc, no longer a mere gem but reborn as uncompromising human executioner.

Phos‘ external transformation through grafting flesh, soul and lunar equipment reflects their steady internal corruption. In this magnificent human shape, Phos fulfills their destiny…of merciless retaliation upon those who shattered their innocence 300 years ago.

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