Why does Roblox use Xsolla?

As a passionate gamer and Roblox expert, I get this question a lot – why does the hugely popular gaming platform rely on Xsolla for its global payments? After digging into the details as a long-time Roblox player and content creator, I wanted to share the inside scoop on this strategic partnership.

In short, Roblox chose Xsolla because it offers the most secure, customizable, and developer-friendly payment solution to power transactions on their global gaming platform. But let‘s dive deeper…

Roblox has an immense global reach

To start, we have to recognize Roblox‘s insane growth over the past few years. As of 2023, Roblox has over 50 million daily active users – that‘s more than platforms like Netflix!

YearMonthly Active Users
2020164 million
2021202 million
2022257 million

Not only that, but over 50% of Roblox players are international spread across over 200 countries. So Roblox absolutely needed a payment provider that could scale globally.

Roblox Global User Map

Image credit: Xsolla

The incredible revenue earned by Roblox creators

Another key factor is that Roblox has a thriving creator economy that‘s earning serious cash. Top developers are making millions!

In 2021 alone, Roblox paid out over $500 million to creator communities. The power of Roblox is that their developers not only create awesome 3D multiplayer games but also earn revenue when new players sign up or spend money through their games.

So Roblox requires payment tools tailored to developers that help them monetize globally and securely.

Why Xsolla checked all the boxes

Taking the above into account, Roblox chose Xsolla because it ticked every box the gaming giant needed:

1. Bank-Level Security

Trust and safety is everything in games. Xsolla provides best-in-class security as a PCI DSS Level 1 certified provider, shielding user payment data via encryption. No surprises that security was non-negotiable for Roblox.

2. Localized Global Payments

Given Roblox‘s worldwide audience, they needed to partner with a payment provider operating globally with support for over 500 localized payment methods. This includes popular options in Asia, South America, Middle East and more.

3. Fraud Protection

With so much money exchanging hands, fraud protection was equally paramount. Thankfully, Xsolla utilizes AI technology to continuously monitor all transactions, preventing risky payments in real-time. This gives Roblox peace of mind.

4. Customizable Checkout Experiences

No two games have the same users and purchase needs. So Xsolla gives Roblox tools to deeply customize checkout flows and tailor the buying experience. Everything from localization to UI design can adapt to every type of Roblox game and community.

5. Subscription Management

Given the popularity of Game Passes and Roblox Premium, seamless subscription management was non-negotiable. Xsolla makes it simple for users to set up recurring payments for memberships, auto-renewals, battle passes, and more.

6. Developer-Friendly Tools

As mentioned earlier, Roblox depends heavily on its creator community to build awesome games that users want to play and purchase in-experience upgrades. So Xsolla arms Roblox developers with software toolkits, APIs, revenue analytics, payout automation and more to help them maximize earnings.

7. Account Protection

Finally, Xsolla enhances account security by adding additional verification steps during checkout. This protects user accounts from being compromised while maintaining seamless payments.

So in summary, Xsolla‘s unparalleled security, global payment reach, fraud prevention technology, customization flexibility, subscription tools, developer monetization capabilities and account protection makes them uniquely suited to power purchases for one of the world‘s largest gaming phenomena – Roblox.

It‘s been an ideal win-win partnership that will likely continue fueling Roblox‘s international growth for years to come!

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