Why Does Samus Remove Her Power Suit?

In the early Metroid games, Samus would remove her iconic Power Suit at the end, revealing her identity as a woman. This surprise reveal became a beloved tradition in the series. But why does Samus take her suit off?

Origins of the Power Suit Reveal

When the original Metroid launched on NES in 1986, Samus‘ identity was cleverly obscured. The instruction manual used male pronouns, leading players to assume the protagonist was a man.

However, completing the game quickly enough treated players to a surprise twist: the removal of the Power Suit showing Samus as a woman. This was groundbreaking at the time and helped make Samus an iconic character.

Game developer Yoshio Sakamoto said this reveal was inspired by the 1979 sci-fi horror film Alien, which featured a similarly badass female protagonist that subverted expectations.

The ending laid the foundation for the Power Suit removal to become a recurring tradition in Metroid games, allowing players to see the brave woman underneath.

The Suit as Part of Samus

Samus’ Power Suit is integrated into her body on a cellular level. As explored in games like Metroid Fusion, portions of her suit cannot simply be removed like armor – they had to be surgically separated from her.

This makes the iconic Suit feel less like battle gear and more like a second skin or part of Samus herself. Removing it is a symbolic way for Samus to reveal her core self to players.

Samus‘ Character Arc

Across the series, Samus has undergone much growth from the lone warrior she starts as. Through forging connections with figures like Adam Malkovich, the baby Metroid, and others, she finds a sense of humanity beyond just the mission.

The Power Suit removal in early games reflected Samus first showing vulnerability. In later games, it ties into her arc of connecting with others and showing her true self under the armor.

An Intimate Moment With Players

The ending Power Suit reveal allows a quiet, intimate moment between Samus as a character and the player. After journeying across alien worlds and battling deadly creatures, her letting down that final barrier feels special.

Seeing Samus without her iconic armor is a privilege reserved for those who join her on these adventures. It is a gesture of trust in those controlling her story.

Samus‘ Identity Beyond Appearances

While the Power Suit is integral to Samus, her identity and strength ultimately goes deeper than any sort of armor. Whether in a high-tech suit or not, she has an indomitable will that drives her ever forward.

The original NES game manual getting Samus’ gender wrong reminds us that appearances can mislead. What truly matters is the courage and perseverance someone demonstrates when faced with challenges.

In this way, Samus taking off her Power Suit invites players to look beyond superficial traits and find the true heart of a hero. It is a message that resonates as strongly today as it did over 30 years ago.

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