Why Does Tails Have a Full Name? The Meaningful Backstory Behind Miles "Tails" Prower

As an ardent Sonic the Hedgehog super fan who has analyzed this legendary franchise for over a decade and discussed fan theories far and wide, I‘ve pondered the mystery of why Tails has a specified full name many times. Most characters like Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow and more simply go by one name. So why does Sonic‘s fleet-footed fox sidekick have the extra designation of "Miles Prower"? After digging into Tails‘ background, I‘ve discovered his full name is deeply connected to his origins and talents.

Decoding the Significance of "Miles Prower"

Tails‘ full name "Miles Prower" is a obvious pun playing on the phrase "miles per hour", which pokes fun at lead character Sonic the Hedgehog‘s supersonic running speed, which clocks in at over 700 mph according to official stats [1]. As Sonic‘s self-proclaimed "little bro" who helps him take down the scientific genius Dr. Eggman, Tails lacks the raw velocity of a hedgehog juiced up on Chaos Emeralds. However, his mutation of having two tails allows him to rotate them like helicopter rotors and fly at remarkable speeds.

So while Tails may not have been born the fastest creature, his special talents ensure he can still keep pace with his best friend on adventures. According to the fan wiki Tails‘ Skypatrol, it‘s been calculated he can fly at over 300 mph without tiring [2]. I think the punny name "Miles Prower" was clearly intended to highlight Tails‘ abilities from the start, cementing his iconic status as Sonic‘s perpetual sidekick rather than just a one-off character.

Over the years playing Sonic games and analyzing plotlines across various forms of media, I‘ve come to believe Tails‘ backstory and name are meaningful on multiple levels related to themes of bullying, identity, and belonging. He was originally born with a physical mutation that led to intense ridicule amongst forest animals according to his prequel story in the anime Sonic the Hedgehog: The Movie. But after Sonic witnessed his aerial talent and speed, he bestowed the young fox cub with the nickname "Tails" as a validating sign of respect.

So while the name "Miles Prower" started as a silly pun in line with Sonic‘s lighthearted nature, it has evolved into a representation of Tails discovering confidence in himself and his abilities thanks to his best friend. His full name ties back to this origin of overcoming adversity with courage and friendships.

A Deeper Comparison of Naming Conventions Across Sonic Characters

Tails is not the only member of Sonic‘s expansive roster of allies and enemies to get a full name. But analyzing the naming patterns reveals Tails‘ full name has extra significance compared to most characters.

Here‘s a comparison of how major Sonic characters are named:

CharacterFull NameName Meaning
SonicSonic the HedgehogSimply named after his species
TailsMiles "Tails" ProwerReference to flying speed and abilities
KnucklesKnuckles the EchidnaNamed after trademark spiked fists
Amy RoseAmy RoseRose references pink color scheme
Dr. EggmanDr. Ivo RobotnikReal name ties to robotic creations
ShadowShadow the HedgehogRed eyes and black fur suit mysterious backstory

As this table shows, lead characters Sonic and Knuckles don‘t have specified full names at all. Their names directly call out their most obvious physical traits and abilities. Meanwhile, recurring major allies Tails and Amy Rose have extra dimensions with their full names.

In Amy‘s case, her last name Rose is clearly a reference to her pink fur and red dress, which coordinates with floral theming and her sweet personality prior to becoming more hard-edged later on. Still, the name Amy Rose itself doesn‘t have deeper ties to her character or backstory.

Shadow is an interesting case as he does have his own game simply titled Shadow the Hedgehog. But his name seems to specifically call out how he was designed as an edgier rival with more complicated motivations, fitting the mysterious artificial backstory created for him later in the Sonic Adventure era.

Finally, the naming of Sonic‘s archenemy Dr. Eggman also derives straight from his trademark look. In Japan, his full name was originally given as Dr. Ivo Robotnik, tying closer to his robotic creations. But the Western name Dr. Eggman better emphasizes his round bald head and rotund body shape.

So in the end, Tails‘ name stands out from the rest as both a play on words and a representation of his character arc and hidden abilities that not all fans may know about on their first encounter with the franchise.

Obscure Tails Fan Theories and Relationship Arcs from the Far Reaches of Sonic Fandom

As an avid consumer of Sonic fan discussion on forums and subreddits over the years, I‘ve come across all manner of obscure theories about further hidden meanings to Tails‘ origins. These creative hot takes from fans take the existing clues in Tails‘ name and backstory and extrapolate even wilder ideas. As a super fan, I want to share some of most intriguing ones!

For example, some fans conjecture that Tails was never originally destined to just be a minor character or Sonic‘s sidekick before getting such a distinctive full name. Early Japanese concept art has led to speculation that Tails was first designed as a girl or perhaps even Sonic‘s sister. Game developers may have changed their minds last minute, but some like to imagine an alternate universe where Tails kept those original themes.

Other fans have dove deeper into theorizing that the name Miles Prower suggests Tails may have significant lost lineage. One reddit thread I followed suggests the last name Prower has ties to European fox nobility [3]. Perhaps Tails is the secret heir to foxy royalty in the Sonic universe!

Even Tails‘ love life amongst minor side characters has taken interesting turns amongst spin-off media that devoted fans discuss and debate. While Tails has mostly avoided crushes for being married to his technical work, an obscure Archie comic run paired him as eventually marrying Mina Mongoose. Yes, the musical artist character from early Sonic games! What can I say, fans love to explore "what if" romantic chemistry ideas.

Maybe these fan theories reach too far down speculative rabbit holes for most readers. But as a die-hard Sonic nerd, I can‘t resist sharing the sheer breadth of creativity that Tails‘ unresolved backstory opens up! Ultimately, Tails was likely just conceived as a smart visual foil to Sonic‘s speed with the punny name. Yet over 30 years, his character has blossomed to where fans still want to fill in the blanks on why this heroic two-tailed fox got his name.

Tying Together Why Tails‘ Name Has Lasting Significance for the Franchise

So in summary, as both an analytical Sonic expert and excitable fan pondering the meaning of character names for years, I believe Miles "Tails" Prower sticks out for having a clearly intentional full name referencing his hidden talents that complements lead hero Sonic the Hedgehog. Tails may have debuted as a quick sidekick, but his rich backstory of being bullied yet eventually gaining confidence thanks to Sonic has won over fans.

While not every wacky Sonic fan theory about lost royal lineage can be proven true, it‘s inarguable that Tails‘ name meaning and connection to his character origins are a vital part of the Sonic franchise. For franchise devotees like myself, that punny name "Miles Prower" represents far more than meets the eye about Sonic‘s plucky fox companion. And the ongoing mystery it provokes is just another part of what makes Sonic lore so rich yet fun to analyze at the same time even 30 years later!

So I hope this in-depth dive into Miles Prower‘s namesake has shed light on why such a seemingly silly name pun endures as key part of the world‘s fastest blue hedgehog and his beloved two-tailed fox. Let me know in the comments if you have any other Sonic franchise naming conundrums I can unravel with my decade of fandom obsessing!

[1] Sonic News Network, 2023
[2] Tails‘ Skypatrol Wiki, 2023
[3] Reddit r/SonicTheHedgehog thread, 2023

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