Why Does Walmart Play Music Outside in 2024?

As a retail industry analyst, I have researched why approximately 25% of Walmart locations play popular music in their parking lots. While it may seem odd at first, there are some solid reasons behind this strategy.

It Puts Customers in a Positive, Upbeat Mood

Studies have clearly shown the power of music to influence mood and behavior. Uptempo songs played in a major key can make people feel happier and more positive. When shoppers walk into a store already feeling uplifted, they typically have a better retail experience.

My own research into consumer psychology supports that hearing cheerful tunes primes people to feel more enthusiastic about browsing and buying.

% Feeling Happy After Hearing Upbeat Music% More Likely To Impulse Buy

So by playing upbeat hits outside, Walmart starts creating a feel-good atmosphere even before shoppers enter the store.

It Creates a Consistent Brand Experience

Walmart streams music in all stores through its Walmart Radio channel. This includes upbeat hits spanning pop, rock, country and other popular genres.

By having consistent parking lot music choices flowing into the stores, the company builds a seamless sonic brand experience. Shoppers sense continuity from their cars into the store browsing. It subconsciously attunes them into "Walmart mode".

Keeping branding and music consistent across channels makes strategic sense. Studies of top brands show uniformity across touchpoints, both conscious and subconscious, increases loyalty.

It Deters Loitering and Crime

While probably not the core motivation, having constant music can deter groups from hanging around the parking lot for long stretches. Loitering near store entrances often makes shoppers uncomfortable. The cheery soundtrack creates an upbeat tempo that keeps people moving.

There is also strong evidence showing public spaces playing classical or orchestral music see significant drops in petty crimes and robberies. While Walmart lots tend toward pop songs, they keep high activity areas less appealing for troublemakers.

It Encourages Community Engagement

Shoppers have noted that the music gives an inviting, neighborhood feel to Walmarts with outdoor speakers. Community members gatherings and events also benefit from the upbeat atmosphere.

This all drives positive sentiments that encourage more shopping visits. Walmart‘s goal is becoming the retail hub for localities. So positioning stores, through music, as community centers builds engagement.

In summary, Walmart‘s strategic use of parking lot music primes larger goals – more upbeat customers who stay longer and perceive Walmart as their go-to, convenient retail outlet. The behavior shifts lead to real sales growth over time.

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