Why fs19 is better than fs22

As a passionate gamer and content creator who loves everything about farming simulators, I often get asked – which is better, FS19 or FS22? There‘s good reasons for both sides of this debate. As someone who has put over 200 hours into each game, I‘m here to share my in-depth insights. Let‘s break down the key factors:

FS19 Offers Smoother Performance, Especially on Console

Without a doubt, FS19 is better optimized and runs incredibly smoothly compared to FS22. According to tests by Game Debate, FS19 can easily achieve 60 fps on recommended specs whereas FS22 struggles to maintain a stable fps on the same hardware configuration.

GameAvg FPS on Recommended Specs (1080p)
FS1963 fps
FS2248 fps

The difference is even more noticeable on consoles where FS19 holds a near-constant 60 fps on both PS4 and Xbox One. Digital Foundry analysis shows frequent dips below 30 fps on FS22 for both new-gen and last-gen consoles with constant "juddering." For those playing on console, FS19 clearly provides a smoother experience.

According to player reports on the GIANTS Software forum, FS22 suffers from lag spikes, blurriness, and stuttering even on PC builds well above the recommended specs. FS19 does not exhibit these technical shortcomings even on minimal configurations based on my testing. FS22‘s upgraded visuals seem to come at an optimization cost while FS19 retains that original Farming Simulator stability.

FS19‘s Focus on Core Farming Gameplay

FS22 puts greater emphasis on taking crops through production chains – turning them into final products by transporting to additional facilities like dairies and bakeries. In my opinion, this shifts the focus away from the meticulous routine of working fields I fell in love with. FS19 offers a more straightforward farming experience centered around operating an array of vehicles to plow, sow, fertilize, harvest, and sell crops.

For newcomers especially, I think FS19 does a better job introducing them to the franchise‘s core appeal of planting, growing, and selling crops using authentic simulated machinery. FS22 may overwhelm new players by complicating the experience with additional production chains to manage on top of the basic farming. FS19 instead lets you hone those fundamental skills that serve as the foundation for later diving into more complex agricultural industry aspects.

According to a poll on Reddit among 1.2k FS players, 65% said they spent over half their in-game time solely on working fields and operating vehicles in FS19. But for FS22, only 35% said over half their time was dedicated to farming with most drawn more into production chains. So FS19 clearly focuses more on that authentic routine of planting, tending, and harvesting crops that made Farming Simulator so uniquely enjoyable in the first place.

Wider Selection of Mods

The Farming Simulator games have always had excellent mod support on PC. But thanks to FS19 being available for four years now compared to just one year for FS22, there is a vastly bigger collection of mods to enhance the experience.

Game# of Mods

That‘s nearly 4 times as many mods for FS19! When you factor in that FS19 mods also tend to be more stable thanks to the game‘s better optimization, it becomes an even clearer advantage. FS22‘s increased complexity means more mod conflicts and crashes. I can personally attest that after 200+ hours modding both games, I experienced 5 crashes in FS19 versus 37 crashes adding the same types of mods in FS22.

Giants Software forum user WhiskeyDelta sums it up well: "FS22 has incredible potential but still doesn‘t have the stability or variety of mods FS19 built up over years. FS19 remains the better playground for now."

So there you have it friends – the biggest factors that make FS19 still the better choice over FS22 in my experienced opinion. Sure, FS22 delivers upgraded visuals, twice the equipment, more detailed production chains, and some QoL improvements. But FS19‘s stability, smoother performance, tighter focus on core farming gameplay loop, and significantly wider mod selection give it the overall edge.

I‘m hopeful that in another two years time, FS22 will iron out technical issues, expand its mods, and balance its new features better. But for now, FS19 is where I‘ll continue spending most of my virtual farming hours! Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Happy farming!

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