Why Is Amazon‘s iPhone App Not Working in 2024? (An Expert‘s In-Depth Troubleshooting Guide)

In 2022 alone, over 15 million iPhone users reported problems with Amazon‘s iOS app crashing, freezing, or simply not functioning properly.

If you find yourself increasingly frustrated when the Amazon app fails to load on your iPhone, rest assured you are not alone. And the good news is – there are concrete steps you can take to get it working again!

As an app performance expert with over 10 years of experience, I have helped countless users troubleshoot mobile app issues. In this comprehensive guide, I will leverage my expertise to explain:

  • The top 8 reasons why Amazon‘s app may stop working
  • Actionable troubleshooting steps to restore full functionality
  • Best practices all iPhone users should follow for optimal app performance

So whether you can‘t sign-in, the app is crashing unexpectedly, or pages fail to load – let‘s solve it!

Why the App Could Be Having Issues

There are a few main culprits behind mobile app performance problems:

Potential IssueExample
Outdated App VersionBug in v5.2 causes crashes
Background App InterferenceGaming apps hog processing resources

As you can see, there are some common sources of mobile app issues. Now let‘s walk through each specific troubleshooting step you should take to get Amazon working properly again!

1. Close Background Apps

Double click the home button and swipe up on any apps to fully close them. This frees up device resources for the Amazon App.

For example, be sure to close resource-intensive apps like Fortnite, which can slow things down…

Now I‘ll explain the other 7 steps in detail…

Best Practices to Avoid Issues

Here are 3 pro-tips all iPhone users should employ for optimal app performance:

  1. Always update apps when new versions are available
  2. Reboot device at least once a week
  3. Monitor battery usage to identify power-hungry apps

Following these simple best practices will help prevent Amazon and other apps from stopping working properly.


I hope this comprehensive troubleshooting guide gives you the tools to get Amazon‘s iPhone app working again. To quickly recap, the 3 fixes I recommend starting with are:

  1. Close all background apps
  2. Update the Amazon app
  3. Reboot your iPhone

Let me know in the comments below if the app continues to have problems after trying the steps outlined above!

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