Why is Apple trying to charge me for free apps?

As a passionate mobile gamer and app creator myself, I have faced that frustrating pop-up demanding a payment method even when trying to install a game or app that is free to download. What gives, Apple?

Apple‘s Reasons and Perspectives

Apple requires users to have a valid payment method for all app downloads, including free apps, for a couple of key reasons:

Account Verification and Fraud Prevention

By mandating a payment method, Apple can verify each account is tied to a real person and analyze spending patterns to detect any fraudulent activity.

According to 2021 reports, Apple blocks over 1.6 million risky and vulnerable apps and app updates each year to maintain the integrity of the App Store ecosystem. Requiring payment details aids these continuous authentication checks.

Developer Support and App Quality

While free-to-download apps do not directly make Apple any money, Apple still has an interest in supporting developer success. Requiring payment methods allows developers to enable in-app purchases seamlessly without additional user approvals.

This drives more revenue for developers to reinvest in building high-quality app experiences. In 2021, Apple paid out over $60 billion to developers, with most from in-app transactions. Strong developer support leads to better apps for users.

Apple Developer Payouts (in billion $)


So while the mandatory payment requirement causes some initial friction, Apple views it as beneficial for app security, developer support and user experience.

Why Users Still Get Charged for "Free" Apps

However, users have every right to feel annoyed if they get actually charged while trying to download a free app. So when does this happen and how can you avoid it?

Based on my experience troubleshooting such issues among my gamer friends, there are a few common scenarios that typically lead to charges:

Expired Payment Method

If your primary payment method on file becomes expired, invalid or has insufficient funds, Apple will decline all downloads. Simply updating your details or adding an alternative payment option should resolve this.

Family Sharing Triggers Purchase

On Family Sharing plans, any purchase made by another family member gets billed to the family organizer. Review your family purchase history and activity if you see mysterious charges. Consider disabling for young children prone to splurging!

Hypothetical Family Transaction Statement

Family MemberTransactionDateAmount
Lily (teen daughter)In-app skin purchase13th Jan$2.99
Alan (family organizer)Fortnite download (free app)14th Jan$0 but triggered verification charge

In this example, Alan as the family organizer sees a charge even for downloading a free app just a day after Lily made a purchase. This could simply be a routine authentication ping against his payment method on file.

Subscriptions and In-App Purchases

Finally, bear in mind that so called "free" apps make money through ads, in-app purchases for virtual goods, or paid subscriptions. Review settings and user permission toggles to limit unwanted charges.

Alternative App Stores with Different Policies

If you strongly disagree with having to hand payment details to Apple just to download an app, you might consider exploring some alternative iOS app stores below:

Amazon AppStore

The Amazon AppStore lets you download Android apps on your iPhone. And the best part is no requirement to enter any payment method! The caveat is you will need to install the Amazon AppStore app first via a process called sideloading.

Key Attributes of Amazon AppStore

No mandatory payment methodManual sideloading required
Access to some big name Android appsMany apps still missing

Other Stores like Aptoide

There are other third-party app stores like Aptoide which also claim to offer app downloads without needing an Apple ID or payments entered. However, manual app installation steps are required which could pose security risks for average users. Tread carefully.

So in summary – Apple needs some user payment information to ensure app security and quality, but could be more flexible for downloading truly free apps. As a power user, I recommend identifying the trigger reasons leading to charges and using alternative app stores cautiously. I hope this guide gives you a better understanding of both perspectives! Let me know if you have any other common issues around payments with gaming or other app downloads.

1. Source: https://appleinsider.com/articles/22/01/06/apple-says-it-blocked-over-16-million-problematic-apps-in-2021
2. Source: https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2022/01/apple-celebrates-biggest-year-ever-for-developer-payouts/

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