"Black Lung" – The Story Behind Arthur Morgan‘s Tragic Nickname

Notorious outlaw Arthur Morgan‘s infamous moniker has a grim origin in the bloody cough of a sickly farmer that ultimately claims Arthur‘s life. This is the tale of how tuberculosis robbed him of health and status among his found family of outcasts.

A Fateful Debt Collection

In chapter 2, Arthur attempts to shake down a struggling homesteader named Thomas Downes over an unpaid loan to the gang…

Elaborate analysis of Downes confrontation, transmission mechanism for Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Arthur‘s ruthless beating as the infection catalyst

Micah‘s Campaign of Derision

Sensing weakness in Arthur‘s illness, lowly gang member Micah Bell begins taunting him as "Black Lung" at every turn. Behind the insult lies a likely strategy to undermine Arthur‘s standing with their mentor Dutch van der Linde while positioning himself as Dutch‘s new right-hand man.

Psychological & rhetorical examination of Micah‘s antagonism – goal to portray Arthur as weak while raising own status

Statistics showing 1890s stigma & perceptions linking TB to degeneracy

Track evolution of insult across chapters 3-6, coinciding with Arthur‘s decline

An Outlaw Undone: Tracking the Decline

Without modern antibiotics, Arthur‘s fate is sealed from the blood-borne onset of his symptomatic tuberculosis infection through to its lethal finale…

Stage-by-stage clinical progression includes detailed timelines, changing respiratory/overall health metrics backed by medical sources

Annotated tables quantifying TB impacts on his fitness, stamina, dead eye, etc – down 20%+

Contrast to average tuberculosis mortality duration in 1890s with references

Facing Down Micah: Could a Healthy Arthur Have Won?

By 1907 when Arthur and Micah draw pistols amidst fiery chaos, disease has wasted the once-powerful gunslinger to a pale shadow of himself. Still, an earlier showdown could have played out very differently…

Numeric comparison of strength, weapon aptitude estimating Arthur & Micah‘s respective skill

Blow-by-blow analysis depicting a theoretical fight minus Arthur‘s illness

Likelihood of beating Micah assessed at different TB progression milestones

In the end, not gun or rope but blood claimed the fearsome Arthur Morgan – the appleseed of doom buried in a doomed farmer‘s dying cough. This remarkable outlaw‘s story shows how throughout history disease has felled even the mightiest among us, though their legends may live on eternal.

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