Why is Arwen Dying While Her Father Elrond Remains Immortal? A Tale of Mortal and Elven Fates

As a long-time Tolkien fan and gaming commentator, I‘ve had many questions about the diverging fates of Elrond and his daughter Arwen in Lord of the Rings. Elrond maintains his immortality while Arwen grows weak and cold, ultimately dying of grief. Why is one fading and the other untouched by time? To unpack this mystery, we must examine their lineages, Elrond‘s ancient choice, Arwen‘s mortal love, and the resulting separation of their paths.

Descendants of Legendary Lines

Family Trees of Elrond and Arwen‘s Mixed Bloodlines
Elrond‘s Lineage
AncestorRaceLifespan Outcome
EärendilPeredhel (Half-Elven)Chose immortality
ElwingPeredhel (Half-Elven)Chose immortality
LúthienElf/ImmortalBecame mortal
Arwen‘s Lineage
AncestorRaceLifespan Outcome
ElrondPeredhel (Half-Elven)Chose immortality

As descendants of legendary Elf/Human pairings (refer to tables above), both Elrond and Arwen were born as Peredhil or Half-Elven. Through her father Elrond, Arwen descends from both Elvish and Mannish bloodlines, including the great romance between the immortal Elf Lúthien and the mortal Man Beren. Lúthien ultimately chose mortality to live as a woman with Beren rather than face eternity without him.

Due to their mixed heritage, the Peredhil possess unique dual fates – they can choose between mortal and immortal lives because of their two kindred lineages. So why is Arwen now facing mortality while her immortal father remains untouched?

Elrond‘s Ancient Choice

Many centuries ago, Elrond and his brother Elros were granted the gift to determine their own destinies as Half-Elven. Elrond chose the path of elvish immortality while Elros embraced human mortality, becoming the first King of Númenor thereafter.

Once Elrond selected the fate of the Eldar (Elves), he was irrevocably bound to it. Possessing one of the Three Elven Rings of Power named Vilya, Elrond has endured through ages as Lord of Rivendell, guarding magical knowledge and lore. Due to the permanence of his ancient choice, Elrond continues undimmed as an immortal Elf despite the rise and fall of eras around him.

So if Elrond is immortal, why is his daughter facing death instead? Read on for more context.

Arwen‘s Mortal Love

Unlike her father, Arwen had not yet made an immortal choice before encountering Aragorn. As a young Half-Elven lady descending from varied and legendary bloodlines (refer to table), her destiny remained open ended.

That is, until she met the Heir of Isildur in the woods of Lothlorien. Enraptured by Aragorn and unexpectedly falling in love with a mortal Man, Arwen thereafter pledged herself to him. Choosing to cleave to Aragorn beyond even the limits of mortal death, she knowingly embraced mortality so she could meaningfully share in his human lifespan.

By her own life-altering choice, after years of happiness together Arwen as a mortal woman will inevitably face grief and death while Aragorn the King grows old. Though Elrond perceives the pain it will cause his Evenstar, Arwen will not relent nor regret the mortal doom she has accepted for the sake of her love. Her fate intertwined with her beloved Elessar, she has willingly given up eternity for a fleeting span of treasured years.

Implications of Different Choices

As evidenced by their choices above, Elrond and Arwen took diverging immortal roads – one path everlasting for the elven father but temporal for the mortal daughter. Let‘s compare outcomes:

Immortal Choice: ElrondMortal Choice: Arwen
Bound to elven immortalityEmbraces mortality with Aragorn
Endures eternally in ArdaShares in Aragorn‘s human lifespan
Unaffected by Ring‘s destructionFades rapidly after destruction of One Ring
Remains in Middle EarthForsakes immortal homeland across the Sea
watches Arwen‘s mortal doomChooses mortal death and unknown fate

Diverging Roads After Different Crossroads

And so through her singular decision to bind herself in love to Aragorn the mortal Man, Arwen proceeds on the Doom of Men she accepted even with the grave foresight of her Elven lineage. Just as years touch her beloved making him older and wearier, so do they lessen Arwen’s vibrancy leading to her chilling end alone in Lothlorien.

In contrast, having chosen differently ages ago, wise Elrond continues on as an immortal Elf passing through eras in Arda until he finally sails West across the Sea. With his daughter‘s death the last anchor binding him to Middle Earth, he leaves it to the Dominion of Men. Though grieved by Arwen‘s mortal choice and her resulting cold fate, Elrond endures eternal beyond the reach of time.

And so the question is answered – Elrond maintains his elvish immortality due to his irreversible ancient choice, while Arwen possessing Half-Elven blood ties her life fully to that of Aragorn as a mortal Queen of Gondor. Through parallel paths and crossed fates, their ending divergence serves as a bittersweet reminder that some bonds transcend even immortality.

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