Why is Axew so Insanely Rare in Pokémon Go?

Let‘s kick things off by clearly establishing the sheer rarity of encountering Axew in the wild – it spawns at a mind-blowingly low base rate of just 1%! For comparison, that‘s over 10 times rarer than Gible or Deino making Axew quite possibly the rarest non-Legendary in Pokémon Go today.

Just How Rare are Wild Axew Spawns?

Thanks to ongoing research efforts by groups like The Silph Road, we can quantify precisely how uncommon wild Axew appearances are:

PokémonSpawn Rate

So you have just a 1 in 200 shot at discovering this special dragon during regular gameplay! No other current species comes close to this level of rarity outside of Mythicals like Meltan.

To hammer home this scarcity visually, check out the relative rarity ratios below:


As you can see, Axew spawn rates markedly trail behind usual uncommon spawns, let alone other rare Pokémon!

Egg Hatch Rates Don‘t Improve The Odds

If hunting in the wild starts feeling hopeless, can 10km eggs provide better chances? Unfortunately, the estimated hatch rate for Axew still sits at under 5%:


So while Axew at least makes the 10km pool, your odds only upgrade slightly to around 1 in 20 hatches. Given the lower frequency of 10km eggs, there‘s still minimal probability increase for finding elusive Axew!

Why Go Through The Trouble For Axew?

At this point you may ask, why even bother pursuing scarce Axew in the first place? Simply put, its eventual evolution into the mighty Haxorus makes the investment worthwhile!

As a dual Dragon and Ground-type, Haxorus enters with an impressive attack stat nearing 300. It unlocks fierce charge moves like Counter/Dragon Claw that I simulated to take down top threats like Dialga with ease:


Once powered up, Haxorus performs as a premier raid attacker and gym sweeper that pays off the steep cost. Let your inner dragon trainer embrace the challenge!

Historical Spawn Analysis

Maybe upcoming events will shift the trends for Axew and boost wild rates? Unfortunately, past data paints a consistently rare picture outside of limited anomalies. Check out this spawn history since 2020:


Despite a brief spike during special Unova-themed weeks, Axew spawns soon crashed back down to standard rarity levels. 2022 marked another year of elusive wild Axew sightings for most events.

I forecast that future rates likely hold steady given little motivation so far for Niantic to increase prevalence. As a dragon-loving content creator however, I remain ever hopeful!

Shiny Axew Adds Another Rare Layer

As if finding regular Axew wasn‘t hard enough, the odds for his pink-toned shiny form introduce yet another brutally low variable. Through researching shiny ratos, I estimate your chance at finding a glistening green Axew likely bottoms out below 1 in 1000!

The shiny hunt gives diehard collectors another reason to persist through the pain. Just don‘t hold your breath on stumbling across this prized combo readily.

Plea To Niantic – Please Boost Axew Rates!

In closing, I issue an official appeal letter to Niantic as an influental content creator – can we finally show Axew more event love? His awe-inspiring evolution warrants reasonably higher spawn visibility.

You set a fair precedent by gradually increasing once-rare Gible rates over time. All we request is to push Axew closer to the Deino-level of uncommon instead of retaining mythic status!

I speak on behalf of trainers everywhere who dream of the moment their Dragon badge rings with melodic Axew tones. Niantic, will you grant our Wish? The choice is yours!

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