Why is Basim Evil? A Deeper Look into His Transformation

As an avid gamer and Assassin‘s Creed enthusiast, I was shocked by Basim‘s villainous turn in Valhalla. This mentor figure who guided Eivor and Sigurd for most of the game turned out to be the reincarnation of Loki seeking vengeance! But what could have driven Basim down such a dark path? After extensive research and reflection, I have a deeper understanding.

The Catalyst – Memories of Loki‘s Loss

Unlike Eivor and Sigurd, Basim retained the memories from his previous life as the Isu Loki. This included the traumatic loss of his son Fenrir, who was killed by Odin (Eivor) and Tyr (Sigurd). These memories awoke a fury and pain in Basim that corrupted his very soul. As Basim himself says:

"But when I awoke, I awoke to a nightmare. To learn that in a past life I had a son who was killed."

This indicates Basim was fundamentally changed by the resurfacing of Loki‘s memories. He even warns Eivor that his desire for vengeance cannot be tempered. Losing a child can make anyone vengeful, let alone an immortal god!

The Psychological Struggle

According to in-game lore, Basim began suffering from dissociative episodes where he struggled against Loki‘s consciousness trying to take over.

Years as Hidden OnePsychological Stability
1st YearNo episodes mentioned
12th YearFirst major episode noted

This suggests that in the beginning, Basim had more control over Loki‘s memories. But over time, his mental state degraded to the point where Loki‘s persona dominated.

One theory is that exposure to Isu artifacts containing Loki‘s essence slowly weakened Basim‘s psyche. Records do indicate he conducted research on Isu sites during his 12 years as a Hidden One.

Ultimately, the combined trauma of Fenrir‘s death and constant struggle for mental control set the stage for Basim‘s turn to the dark side.

The Desire for Reunion

Another revelation is that Basim is searching for Aletheia, an Isu who is possibly his former lover Angrboda. His promise to find her further shows Basim has fully adopted Loki‘s motivations and memories:

"And we will be together once more, my love."

Losing his son and separation from Angrboda paints Basim as a tragic villain desperate to reunite his broken family even if it means allying with Eivor‘s enemies like Fulke and King Aelfred.

Embracing the Darkness

So in summary, Basim turned evil because memories of Loki‘s loss awoke an unquenchable fury within him. His weakened psyche could not withstand Loki‘s consciousness clawing for control. He now seeks vengeance and reunion with all that was taken from him in his past life.

As Assassin‘s Creed fans, it‘s natural to mourn Basim‘s fall from grace. But we must remember that pain and grief can corrupt even the best of us. Perhaps this complexity is what makes Basim such a compelling antagonist!

Let me know your thoughts on this analysis in the comments – I welcome feedback from my fellow gaming enthusiasts!

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