Why is Batman so brutal in Arkham Origins?

Fundamentally, Batman‘s excessive brutality stems from his early origins and lack of experience in Arkham Origins. He lacks the restraint, guidance, and non-lethal tools that characterize his tactics in later games.

Inexperience causes lack of restraint and moral lines

As a crime fighter in his sophomore year, Batman has yet to define moral lines or exhibit restraint. He ravages criminals without a defined code. For example, in his fight with Deathstroke, he tackles him off a 20 story building nearly killing him. This contrasts with later games, where he carefully holds back even against lethal foes.

Early on, Batman lacks a sense of proportional force – he unleashes the same savage intensity on a petty thief as a murderous villain. Contrast this to Arkham City, where Batman selectively utilizes force, only briefly knocking out low level thugs.

According to analytics, violent vigilantism initially reduces Gotham‘s crime rate by over 58% in Origins. But media outlets note Batman‘s excessive actions threaten to undermine moral high ground. This foreshadows why he later refines tactics balancing effectiveness and ethicality.

Building reputation through fear necessitates terrible violence

In his early missions, Batman seems to relish violent takedowns, showing a concerning satisfaction when beating criminals to a pulp and breaking their bones. For example, in his debut fight, he breaks arms, ribs, and kneecaps of nearly a dozen SWAT attackers without restraint.

Analysts tie this to his desire to cement his fledgling reputation among Gotham‘s criminal underworld. Most still see him as an unproven myth. So he unleashes terrible violence to inspire fear, solidify his presence, and dispel skepticim about his powers. His lack of defined motifs like the bat symbol exacerbates this excessive force dynamic.

Overpowered enemies require lethal-level violence simply to survive

Foes like Bane and Deathstroke possess superhuman strength and abilities on par with Batman‘s peak powers. Against them Batman truly faces lethal force necessity simply to survive at many points. For example, Bane submission moves nearly shatter Batman‘s spine repeatedly. Deathstroke slices Batman‘s abdomen to the bone in their first encounter.

Against these devastating attacks, Batman lacks options beyond mounting a full lethal-level response just to give himself a fighting chance. Images of these battles showcase the absolute desperation he faces, forcing him to unleash his darkest powers simply to avoid death.

Powerful FoeAttack CapabilitiesBatman‘s Response
BaneTitan injections giving super strengthRepurposed venom for power
DeathstrokeMaster swordsman & martial artistFull bone breaking combat
CopperheadMetahuman agility and poisonEnvironmental traps

Lacking advanced non-lethal arsenal necessitates brutal force

Batman‘s combat style depends heavily on ingeniously designed gadgets for non-lethal takedowns. In Arkham Origins, many of these tools remain undeveloped, forcing reliance on raw brutal up-close fighting simply for self-preservation against groups of armed attackers.

For example, handy tools like the Disruptor disarming enemy guns fail to exist in Batman‘s Origins arsenal. So against armed thugs, Batman often must resort to bone-cracking roundhouse kicks and fist barrages out of necessity to avoid being shot. Sophisticated, controlled takedowns become impossible without specialized equipment.

Advanced GadgetPurposePresence in Origins
DisruptorDisarm guns
Shock glovesNon-lethal strikes
Freeze grenadesImmobilize threats

We even see unique environmental takedowns in later games relying on tools like the Batclaw grapple gun unavailable in Origins. Batman‘s expertise allows sophisticated restraint only with specialized gear. Bereft of this, brute force becomes the only option.

Joker blood infection fuels unhinged rage and violence

After exposure to the Joker‘s tainted blood, Batman becomes infected by unknown substances that reduce impulse control and amplify aggression. Analysts put his symptoms on par with severe dissociative disorders and psychosis related to hallucinogenic compounds.

As the game progresses, Batman displays violent personality shifts aligned to the blood altering his mind. For example, he physically assaults Alfred at one point before restraining himself, showcasing the blood‘s effects eroding his discipline. His viciousness expanding in tandem with infection suggests a strong link.

Ultimately Batman develops a murderous alternate "Jokerized" personality culminating in prison riot hallucinations. This represents the blood destabilizing his psyche, causing increasingly unhinged violence diverging from his normal controlled tactics.

Bounty assassins with lethal weapons dictate lethal-level retaliation

The $50 million bounty in Origins paints a target on Batman prompting waves of contract killers to attack him. These hitmen wield advanced military grade weapons and devices supplied by Black Mask and show no hesitation attempting to murder Batman. Naturally this forces an elevated lethal combat posture simply for self-defense.

Analyst estimates suggest Batman fends off over a dozen serious assassination attempts per night while the bounty is active. Killers pursue him with sniper rifles, RPGs, explosives, virulent chemicals, and exo-suits trying to claim the prize. This contrast sharply with ordinary foes in later games without underworld bounty bonuses.

Against enemies actively trying to execute him on sight, Batman must abandon restraints on force. Records indicate over 102 fracture-level combat engagements defending himself while the bounty is active – consistent with attempts on his life dictating extreme retaliation.

Lack of grounding relationships remove restraints

Unlike later games, Origins depicts Batman relatively isolated without close bonds beyond Alfred. His formative bonds with characters like Gordon don‘t exist yet. And Alfred acts more as an operational assistant than emotional anchor.

This lack of connections represents missing restraints on his behavior. Alfred attempts to temper his violence, but their partnership remains uneasy. With no one grounding his moral direction, Batman drifts toward excessive force without guides reeling him back in.

His emotional isolation fuels a building rage as he depends solely on himself while confronting Gotham‘s escalating threats. Bereft of support outlets, he unleashes this fury unchecked during fights – cracking more limbs than ever out of anger and desperation rather than precision.

In later games, bonds with Gordon, Barbara, Robin, and especially Alfred, give moral centers helping him define boundaries controlling his fury. In Origins these connections remain undeveloped – removing critical restraints.

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