Why Does Blaidd the Half-Wolf Turn Hostile in Elden Ring?

Blaidd‘s sudden betrayal mid-quest catches many Elden Ring players off guard. The loyal wolf companion turns savage when Ranni defies the Greater Will and Two Fingers. Today, we analyze Blaidd’s tragic downfall – deciphering obscure item descriptions and developer clues to get into the mind of this conflicted defender.

Ranni’s Quest Triggers Blaidd’s Curse

Blaidd was created to protect Ranni, but the Two Fingers’ curse means that goal could suddenly twist if Ranni rebels against the Greater Will. Quest director Masaaki Yamagiwa confirms the curse drives Blaidd mad when commenting on designing memorable NPC stories:

”Blaidd is a character that is likable, but destined to go mad…That was an attempt to make users feel empathy towards characters.” – Quest Design Director Masaaki Yamagiwa

We feel that empathy acutely as this steadfast guardian fights destiny itself to remain by Ranni’s side. So why does he ultimately lose?

Blaidd’s Doomed Backstory

Upon first meeting, Blaidd already warns about a troubling past with ominous prophecies. We uncover more details through items like Blaidd’s Armor:

Storied armor depicting the employer‘s beloved half-wolf knight. Thought to have been passed down from the ancient royal lineage.

This armor belonged to the Carian Knights – mages serving Queen Rennala. Yet Blaidd‘s Royal Greatsword description also claims he "came to the demigods from the badlands of the Eternal City".

Is Blaidd of the Eternal City? Linked somehow to the secretive underground society and destined for the Carian Knights? Either way, ties between ruler and shadow transcend this generation of Ranni and Blaidd…

Blaidd’s Losing Battle Against The Curse

Throughout early quest steps, Blaidd seems cautious, yet loyal in serving Ranni:

“There will come a time when Ranni requires protection. Thou shan’t be caught lacking.”

However, Blaidd’s imprisonment in an Evergaol cell hints at instability.

We then find the cursed wolfman prowling Mistwood outskirts, ranting about a traitor:

“I see things, I should not see…betrayers, liars…”

This growing paranoia persists when he rejoins at Radahn Festival grounds:

“Hrrrgh! Ahhh… Mine apologies. The stars alter the fate of the Carian royal family. Ranni is my only master.”

With Ranni now abandoning the Two Fingers, Blaidd recognizes destiny catching up during this encounter. He remains loyal, yet that conspiracy about traitors troubles the mind – proof the curse steadily consumes rational thought.

Could obsessed ravings about liars and deceivers relate to fears of failing his sole duty to protect Ranni? Or has knowledge of the true assassins in Ranni’s fateful Night of the Black Knives surfaced?

Either way, this last tenuous grasp on sanity soon slips away.

Blaidd Attacks the Player

After assuming doll form, Ranni leaves on her quest to fulfill the Age of Stars ending.

It is then, right on queue, that the Player discovers a maddened Blaidd outside Ranni’s Rise – no longer recognizing friend from foe.

“Ahh, you…what am I? Dearest Ranni…The promise we made…Hrrgh, Rrghaaaahh! Forgive me… This poor Half-Wolf remains loyal…And never the traitor, he.”

Promises made in childhood now shattered, Blaidd tragically passes from lucidity to raving beast before your eyes:

“Have it writ upon thy meagre grave: Felled by King Morgott! Last of all kings.”

Forced to slay the honourable wolf-knight, you claim Blaidd’s sword and armor so future questing may honor that loyalty in his memory.

Blaidd’s Hostility Triggers & Motivations

In summary, pivotal hostility triggers stem from:

  • Curse – Two Fingers curse drives Blaidd mad when Ranni defies set destiny
  • Prophecy – Ancient fate always destined the Half-Wolf would turn on royal family
  • Duty – Failure to protect Ranni, revealed secrets, or learning the traitor‘s identity
  • Destiny – Ultimately a tragic pawn for Greater Will’s grand designs

While the curse seems the obvious trigger, there could be more personal motivations behind Blaidd‘s hostility:

Frenzied FlamesIf infected, could this madness influence hostility apart from the curse?
Traitor TheoryDoes Blaidd discover the Black Knife Assassins‘ identities or wrongly accuse the player?
Mind ControlCould the Greater Will or Two Fingers exert direct puppeteering control?

The true origins of Blaidd‘s bloodlust likely combine curse, conspiracy, and betrayal. Nonetheless, the heroic defender tragically passes from trusted quest companion to hostile beast before your eyes.

We may never fully unravel Blaidd’s thoughts behind those glowing red eyes. But through roleplaying this legendary armor set, a new generation of Tarnished can honor his loyalty beyond that destined betrayal.

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