Why is Bloodborne Still Capped at 30FPS in 2024? An Expert Analysis

As an avid FromSoftware fan and content creator focused on the Soulsborne genre, one question I see debated endlessly within the Bloodborne community is why the game remains stubbornly locked at 30 frames per second (FPS) years after its initial 2015 launch.

In this deep dive guide, I provide a definitive expert analysis into the controversial creative decision to cap Bloodborne at 30FPS across both PlayStation 4 and 5 consoles.

FromSoftware Intentionally Capped Bloodborne‘s Frame Rate

According to a 2020 report by Digital Foundry and verified by prolific Soulsborne modder Lance McDonald, FromSoftware implements a 30FPS cap hardcoded into the engine of all its PlayStation games.

This cap is responsible for the frame pacing issues that contribute to Bloodborne‘s infamous stability problems on PS4. However, McDonald discovered that removing the cap via modding simply accelerates the entire game to unusable speeds.

So while the PS5 hardware could theoretically run Bloodborne at 60FPS or beyond, FromSoftware has shown no intention to ever patch or unlock the frame rate to maintain their original creative vision.

Bloodborne‘s FPS Remains Unchanged on PS5

Unlike other FromSoftware titles that benefit from unlocked frame rates on PS5, Bloodborne remains locked at a 1080p resolution and 30FPS whether played on PS4 or next-gen hardware.

Demon‘s Souls and Sekiro for example automatically target 60FPS on PS5, making Bloodborne the lone holdout when it comes to frame rate parity:

GamePS4 FrameratePS5 Framerate
Demon‘s Souls30FPS60FPS

So why hasn‘t Bloodborne received a similar "free upgrade" in light of the PS5‘s powerful capabilities?

Is 30FPS "Good Enough" for Bloodborne?

Ask 10 gamers whether 30FPS provides a smooth enough experience and you‘ll likely get 10 different answers. There is an ongoing debate within the gaming community whether faster frame rates radically improve playability depending on the genre.

High action, competitive multiplayer games undeniably benefit from the ultra-responsive feel of 120FPS+ frame rates. But some argue FromSoftware‘s slower, more atmospheric titles built around precise playstyles — like Bloodborne — are less impacted by capped 30FPS.

Console games limited to 30FPS also tend to "feel" smoother than the same frame rate on PC. This likely explains why capped performance wasn‘t widely criticized upon Bloodborne‘s PS4 debut.

However, during the PS5 launch window the conversation shifted. Should Sony capitalize on the new hardware to finally uncap frame rates for beloved exclusives like Bloodborne?

Perceptual Differences Between 30 vs 60FPS

While higher frame rates objectively improve motion clarity and response times, the "perceived" differences between 30FPS and 60FPS depend largely on genre and playstyle.

For atmospheric, cinematic games like Bloodborne that emphasize environmental storytelling over twitch reactions, some players report less transformational benefits from a 60FPS upgrade.

However, many hardcore gamers argue FromSoftware‘s intricate combat and reliance on split-second dodging does benefit enormously from buttery-smooth 60+ frame rates. Even slight perceived latency at 30FPS can mean life or death against punishing Soulsborne bosses.

But with no definitive "right" answer, the debate rages on as to whether 60FPS radically changes the Bloodborne experience for better or perhaps even worse.

Will Bloodborne Ever Officially Hit 60FPS?

As of early 2023, neither FromSoftware nor Sony have announced any plans to officially patch or remaster Bloodborne with frame rate related upgrades.

With no PS5 "Enhanced Edition" in sight, Bloodborne seems destined to remain contentiously locked at 30FPS across PlayStation platforms despite the capabilities of current hardware.

Of course, the modding community continues tirelessly tinkering under the hood. Early experiments removing the 30FPS cap result in game speeds increasing to 60FPS or beyond as mentioned previously. However, uncontrolled results rendered Bloodborne nearly unplayable.

Perhaps down the road talented modders will crack the code to cleanly upgrade performance while retaining perfect gameplay integrity. Until then, 30FPS remains the reality for Bloodborne diehards.

Conclusion: What Does This All Mean for Players?

Bloodborne clearly suffers from stability and performance issues that detract from an otherwise brilliant and visionary experience. As a flagship PlayStation exclusive, fans reasonably expected a technical upgrade after the PS5 launch.

However by upholding the original 30FPS design choice instead of "fixing what isn‘t broken", FromSoftware maintains Bloodborne is best experienced as initially created. Minor frame pacing flutters or not, the nightmarish world of Yharnam loses none of its impact.

Of course the community remains divided on whether Bloodborne truly benefits from 60FPS or ifcapped frame rates are purely an artistic vision. In that context, we can better understand why FromSoftware hasn‘t budged while Sony shows no urgency to mandate otherwise.

For now players must either experience Bloodborne as the developers originally intended at 30FPS, or hopefully someday modded/unofficial solutions will arrive to finally settle the debate once and for all.

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