Why is Eivor Called Havi in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla?

Eivor Varinsdottir earns the moniker "Havi" because she is the reincarnation of the Isu known as Odin or Havi. Havi is one of the Old Norse names used for the god Odin. It comes from the word "hár" meaning "high one", referring to Odin‘s status as the foremost of the Norse gods. Through the animus, Eivor relives Havi/Odin‘s genetic memories. This explains her natural leadership abilities and missing finger, linking her back to the one-eyed god.

A Deeper Look at Eivor‘s Connection to Mythology

Eivor‘s destiny is tied to Norse mythology through the Isu and their plans to cheat death after the Great Catastrophe. Odin and other Isu like Loki and Tyr schemed to preserve their consciousness in human DNA, essentially achieving reincarnation. They knew Ragnarök would wipe out their people.

Centuries later, the humans Eivor, Sigurd and Basim relive those Isu memories thanks to devices like the animus. Eivor inherits Odin‘s long-held goal of maintaining order after facing massive destruction. She builds a thriving settlement in England, leads her people in battle, and keeps threats like the Order in check – proving she has the wisdom and vision of a ruler like Havi.

Why the Name Havi Matters

Havi is a more esoteric name for Odin that connects Eivor to her Isu past. It represents his far-reaching wisdom and sacrifice he made to gain knowledge through suffering. By tying Eivor‘s arc in Valhalla back to Havi specifically, the developers highlight how she comes full circle to Odin‘s original vision.

Havi also signals that Eivor houses an old soul – the spirit of a god who walked the Earth long before her fellow Vikings. It explains her natural leadership and combat abilities cultivated over many lifetimes, thanks to the bleeding effect from Odin‘s genetic memories.

Finally, the name foreshadows her prophetic visions that guide her people to prosperity in England. Eivor begins as a raider seeking glory but transforms into the sagacious advisor and ruler that Havi was.

Supporting Evidence on Eivor‘s Connection to Myth

Eivor‘s destiny and moniker aren‘t coincidences – there‘s plenty of evidence linking her to Odin in the game itself:

  • Eivor is missing a finger on her left hand – a reference to Odin sacrificing an eye to gain wisdom

  • She sees frequent visions and messages from Havi to influence her next moves

  • Havi‘s distinctive armor set can be found and equipped, underscoring their shared identity

  • She returns to spread her wisdom as an aged advisor just as Havi did in myths

  • Basim and Sigurd also represent key gods like Tyr and Loki who aimed to cheat death

So in a way, Valhalla continues the story seeded in mythology – Havi‘s efforts to find order despite starting over in a new life. By bestowing his name upon Eivor, the developers signify she inherits that immense responsibility and power.


Eivor Varinsdottir earns her status as Havi by proving herself a visionary leader like the god Odin. Through overcoming hardships on her long journey, she evolves into the advisor and seer implied by that heavy moniker. Destiny and history converge in one woman destined to build a prosperous community despite a violent past – perfectly merging myth and history in Assassin‘s Creed‘s signature style.

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