Why is Eivor Called "Wolf-Kissed"? Uncovering the Origins of the Viking‘s Famous Nickname

Eivor Varinsdottir earns the nickname "Wolf-Kissed" from a traumatic wolf attack in her childhood that leaves her with a distinctive facial scar. This violent wolf "kiss" is formative for Eivor, shaping her into the legendary warrior she becomes.

The Wolf Attack That Left a Mark

As revealed in the Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla opening cinematics, Eivor endures a horrific experience as a young girl. Orphaned after her parents are killed in a rival clan‘s raid, Eivor is adopted by the late King Styrbjorn of the Raven Clan.

One day while playing alone in the woods near her village, Eivor is set upon by a starving wolf desperate for a meal. The ravenous beast knocks her to the ground and slices her face with its fangs before Eivor‘s brother saves her.

This brutal unprovoked attack by the wolf leaves Eivor with a shocking injury – the red mouth-shaped scar across her cheek that becomes her signature marking. The "kiss" of the wolf‘s teeth cuts deep physically and emotionally for Eivor.

The Meaning Behind the "Wolf Kiss"

In Norse culture, wolves symbolize both destruction and protection. While Eivor survives the wolf attack, that harrowing moment changes her. The wolf kiss hardens her, working its way into her spirit.

Eivor channels the wolf‘s fierce essence, becoming a shieldmaiden who can withstand punishing blows in battle. Her brash, daring fighting tactics evoke the savage wolf.

The wolf kiss scar that mars Eivor‘s face embodies her embracing of her traumatic past. Like the wolf, she will do whatever it takes to endure. This central role of the wolf attack in Eivor‘s origin shapes her into the warrior she must become.

AC Valhalla creative director Ashraf Ismail emphasized in interviews that "…the core of [Eivor‘s] character that drives a lot of her actions starts from that one moment where she was attacked as a child." This key backstory fuels Eivor‘s entire hero arc.

Eivor Embraces the "Wolf-Kissed" Legend

Throughout her conquests across 9th century England portrayed in Assassin‘s Creed Valhalla, Eivor incorporates her "Wolf-Kissed" nickname into her growing Viking legend.

As she leads the Raven Clan and builds alliances, the name "Wolf-Kissed" conjures images of the warrioress who stares down enemies without flinching. Eivor‘s reputation as a fierce, relentless fighter lives up to the wolf-like spirit her distinct scar represents.

By defiantly embracing the wolf as part of her identity, Eivor‘s "kiss" becomes a badge of honor for her. The woman kissed by wolves who kissed back harder. This crucial backstory gives deeper meaning to why Eivor stands tall as one of gaming‘s greatest warrior protagonists.

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