Why is Fortnite Not Giving Me a Crown?

If you‘ve been playing Fortnite and trying to get a crown but haven‘t been successful, you‘re not alone. Many players have experienced issues trying to obtain crowns in the game. In this article, we‘ll explore some of the most common reasons why you may not be getting a crown and tips to help you finally earn one.

You Can Only Get Crowns in Non-Bot Lobbies

One of the most common issues players face is trying to earn crowns against bots. Unfortunately, Epic Games has configured crowns so they cannot be obtained in bot lobbies, regardless of how many wins you rack up. You‘ll need to play against real opponents if you want to add a crown to your locker.

As you improve and rise through the ranks, you‘ll face fewer bots and have more opportunities to earn crowns. Focus on completing challenges, playing during peak hours, and teaming up with friends to escape bot matches more quickly.

You Must Place in the Top Ranks

Crowns aren‘t simply awarded for a Victory Royale. You need to place among the top ranks in your match, with the exact thresholds varying based on the game mode:

  • Solo – Finish in the top 4
  • Duos – Finish in the top 2 teams
  • Trios/Squads – Finish 1st place

If you‘ve won matches but didn‘t rank high enough on the scoreboard, that‘s why you aren‘t earning a crown. Hot drop into areas densely populated with enemies to score quick eliminations and gain an advantage.

You Must Survive With the Crown Equipped

If you do manage to earn a crown, it doesn‘t permanently belong to you yet. You need to survive subsequent matches with the crown visually equipped on your character to add it to your locker. If you get eliminated before a Victory Royale, you‘ll drop the crown for other players to steal.

Play cautiously and use defensive building strategies if wearing a crown to avoid losing it. Surviving long enough while wearing it will let you keep it forever!

With these tips, you now understand the most likely reasons why Fortnite isn‘t awarding you a crown. Stick to non-bot lobbies, place highly, and survive with it equipped to finally gain this prestigious reward. Let me know if the information above helps you secure your first crown!

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