Why Freya Despises Kratos: A Tragic Cycle of Loss and Retribution

As an avid God of War fan who has eagerly followed the iconic franchise for over 15 years, I was stunned by the gut-wrenching events at the end of 2018‘s epic. Watching Kratos grimly kill Freya‘s son Baldur left me conflicted – he seemed to have no choice, yet Freya‘s fury was also justified.

So why is Freya so utterly enraged at Kratos entering God of War Ragnarök? Her hatred is born of grief from losing her only son, blinded to the tragic reasons behind Kratos‘ devastating choice.

Freya‘s Agonizing Attempts to Protect Baldur

As a Vanir goddess and master sorceress, Freya loved her firstborn son Baldur deeply. When prophecies foretold Baldur would die a needless early death, Freya was determined to save him no matter the cost.

Baldur‘s ProtectionsDescriptionConsequences
Invulnerability SpellShields Baldur from any physical/magical harmRemoves his ability to feel anything
Tracking CurseAllows Freya to always perceive Baldur‘s locationDrives Baldur to despise his lack of privacy

These overbearing measures sadly backfired, robbing Baldur of all sensation and emotion. After centuries of numbness and seething resentment, Baldur snapped – he decided to murder the mother who had damned him to this empty, joyless existence.

Kratos Recognizes the Cycle of Children Killing Parents

Over 75 million copies sold. That‘s how many times gamers like myself have experienced Kratos‘ story across the God of War games. We‘ve seen him struggle against the violent cycles gods are doomed to repeat across generations.

As Baldur strangles his mother Freya, blinded by rage and vengeance, Kratos sees the gods‘ bloody legacy reflected once more. He knows this hatred between children and parents never ends well – after all, his own nightmarish past was defined by killing his divine father Zeus.

In a decisive instant, Kratos leaves no choice but to slay Baldur with his Blades of Chaos before the massacre continues. But breaking this cycle only earns him Freya‘s undying hatred…for now.

Baldur choking Freya before Kratos intervenes

Kratos prevents Baldur from murdering his mother Freya, but pays a dire cost

Freya Swears Brutal Vengeance for Her Slain Son

Blindsided by all-consuming grief from losing Baldur, Freya curses Kratos for murdering her only child in cold blood. She cannot comprehend how her son sunk to such horrific depths, nor Kratos‘ reasons behind his lethal choice.

"I will rain down every agony, every violation imaginable, upon you!"

Freya‘s threats promise a reckoning unlike anything Kratos has faced before. As a former Queen of the Valkyries with advanced magical mastery, she may have the power to fulfill this curse.

While Kratos and Atreus prepare for Ragnarök in God of War Ragnarök, Freya begins plotting her vicious reprisal. Their confrontation seems inevitable…but after lifetimes defined by loss, could mutual understanding and redemption still be found? This timeless, resonant conflict has me counting the moments until Ragnarök arrives November 9th!

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