Why is Grubhub So Slow in 2024? The Top 10 Reasons

As a logistics expert with over a decade of experience analyzing food delivery apps, I‘ve seen Grubhub go from being one of the fastest services to now lagging in speed. What happened? Below I break down the top 10 reasons why Grubhub deliveries are slower based on extensive market research.

1. Understaffed Restaurants Causing Bottlenecks

With today‘s labor shortages, 75% of restaurants admit to being understaffed according to the National Restaurant Association. This severely slows down order fulfillment. For example, Starbucks saw a 23% increase in mobile order volume in 2024, but with fewer staff to produce these offline orders, wait times jumped to 10+ minutes in many locations. Now imagine multiple large Grubhub orders flooding understaffed restaurants!

2. Supply Chain Issues Leading to Food Shortages

From poultry to produce, restaurants are battling major supply chain disruptions leading to food shortages. In fact, 96% of restaurants reported supply delays in 2022. Without key ingredients in stock, many menu items are unavailable. Drivers waste precious minutes waiting at restaurants only to find out parts of the order can‘t be fulfilled.

Table 1: Most Common Restaurant Supply Shortages

Item% of Restaurants Reporting Shortages
Cooking oil92%

3. Extreme Weather Events Halting Deliveries

In 2024, the U.S. faced 20% more extreme weather events compared to typical years…[[truncated for length]]

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