Why is it Called a Till?

As a gaming content creator, I think about economic systems a lot. Virtual currencies have become big business, with popular games managing complex in-game economies. But before we had virtual money, we had real-world cash registers and tills. Ever wonder why they‘re called "tills" rather than just cash registers or drawers? Grab your gold coins and let‘s dive into some gaming industry insights on the till!

The Mechanical Origins of the Cash Register in 1879

Cash registers were invented in 1879 by James Ritty, who owned a saloon in Dayton, Ohio. Ritty wanted to prevent employee theft, so he created a mechanical register with a store counter drawer for securely storing cash, known as the "till".

The idea resonates with game developers today trying to manage virtual theft and fraud! Economic exploits have led to disasters like hyperinflation in MMOs.

Ritty‘s invention was genius because the mechanical registers:

  • Prevented theft by employees in his busy saloon
  • Tracked cash sales for bookkeeping
  • Stored the money securely in the till under the counter

So the till became known as the actual cash drawer component of the register.

The Evolution of Cash Registers into Modern POS Systems

Cash registers evolved from purely mechanical to electromechanical with the addition of electric motors in the 1920s. This added more automation around tracking sales and calculating change.

Again, parallels can be drawn to crafting game economies by removing tedious real-money trading processes!

True electronic cash registers (ECRs) emerged in the 1970s with the addition of microprocessors and software. Finally in the late 1990s, we saw a shift to PC-based point-of-sale (POS) systems:

1879Mechanical cash register invented with till for storing cash
1920sElectromechanical registers with electric motors
1970sTrue electronic cash registers (ECRs) with software
1990sPC-based point-of-sale (POS) systems introduced

Despite these advances, the trusty till remains a crucial component in modern POS systems for securely handling cash in the form of banknotes and coins.

Essential Cash Handling Procedures Apply Online and Offline

Just like balancing the tables in an RPG, good cash handling practices are vital for any cash-based business. This includes:

  • Counting float amounts
  • Reconciling register and ticket totals
  • Cashing up tills
  • Preparing deposits

Adhering to cash handling best practices minimizes losses from mishaps, errors, or outright employee theft. Studies show that businesses lose ~$50 billion annually to theft alone! Proper cash management ensures accuracy and security from the till to the bank.

The same goes for massively multiplayer online (MMO) games with player-driven virtual economies. Dupes, exploits, and real-money trading can wreak havoc. That‘s why studios invest in analytics and enforcement teams to maintain integrity.

Tills Endure alongside New Payment Technologies

In 2021, a global study found that half of consumers still carry cash for small, everyday purchases despite the growth in digital payments.

Cash remains an essential piece of society globally. Even with the spread of credit cards, contactless and mobile payments, good old-fashioned paper currency persists for flexibility, access, privacy, and as a hedge against tech failures.

The trusty till also lives on as part of modern POS systems despite huge technology improvements over 150 years since its invention.

So while computerization and complex prediction algorithms now facilitate the mega-economies in today‘s games, for many customers and small vendors, tactile banknotes handled securely in the till reign supreme! This enduring, human-centered technology still adds value alongside its increasingly digital counterparts.

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