Why is it Called "Boston" in Spades? Unpacking a Coveted Power Play

As an avid Spades player and card game enthusiast, I‘m often asked where the term "Boston" comes from in the context of a coveted scoring play. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll explore the elusive origins of the phrase and analyze what it takes to successfully "run a Boston."

Defining the Boston: A Rare Feat

In Spades, "running a Boston" refers to when a 2-person team wins all 13 possible tricks or "books" in a given hand. This impressive achievement is like traveling from New Orleans all the way to Boston without losing ground.

It‘s an extremely rare occurrence that relies on smart bidding, masterful tactic, and favorable card deals. Successfully running a Boston against competitive opponents is viewed as the pinnacle power flex for advanced Spades players.

Tracing the Boston Back to Its Roots

So where did the distinctive phrase come from? Veteran card enthusiasts trace it back to marathon all-night games played by rail workers on lengthy routes.

As shared by the Center Theatre Group:

"If you were the big winner, you could brag, ‘I won all the way from New Orleans to Boston!‘"

The implication was that you dominated the game so thoroughly that you figuratively won every mile from the start of the Southern line in New Orleans to the Northern terminus in Boston. It evoked the image of a relentless, unbeatable run all the way up the East Coast.

Boston Probability: A 1 in 1,700 Chance

The likelihood of being dealt a "Boston hand" has some definitive math behind it. With 2 players on a Spades team, there are 39 cards remaining after the deal.

  • Each player has 13 cards
  • There‘s a kitty of 13 cards

For one team to control all 13 tricks, the ideal split is:

  • Player 1: 9 spades + 4 other cards
  • Player 2: 4 spades + 9 other cards

There are (13 choose 9) (26 choose 4) (13 choose 4) * (26 choose 9) possible Boston hands, which equals 1 in 1,713 deals.

So in a single night of play, you‘re not likely to encounter more than 1 or 2 Bostons at most. That scarcity is what makes them so coveted!

Bidding Strategy for Running a Boston

Bidding a perfect Boston hand is nuanced. Bid too low, you risk opponents stealing books and ruining your shutout dreams.

But bid too high towards all 13 tricks, you telegraph your intentions and opponents may start flooding Spades to subvert you.

BidDefinitionRisk & Reward
10 BooksSafer playYou still have margin to cover any side suites
Blind NilUltimate riskNo margin for error but pays 500+ points!

My preferred move is to initially bid 10 books on a flawless Boston deal. This retains some padding in case opponents manage to steal a book or force you to take an extra trick with their lead.

Once I confirm control by taking the first 10 tricks easily, I confidently declare going for the Boston rather than dragging it out. Shock and awe, baby!

Strengthening Your Boston Chances

Beyond luck of the draw, there are some proven tactics to give yourself the best odds possible:

Force Key Cards Early

Don‘t give opponents extra time to draw critical Spades like the Ace. Force it out ASAP if they were dealt it.

Take Tricks Judiciously

Only take tricks you intend to. Every extra one could result in costly bags.

Watch Opponent Discards

Any Spades tossed early on signal they are light in the suit.

Count Remaining Cards

Track outstanding Spades and high cards to anticipatedistributions.

Following these guidelines in addition to flawless bidding judgment separates the good players from Boston legends!

Why Running a Boston is So Satisfying

For passionate Spades competitors, successfully executing this elusive power play is the stuff of legend. It requires the perfect confluence of:

  • Skillful hand management
  • Savvy bidding & psychology
  • Precision strategic play
  • Fortuitous card deals

All building to a dramatic 13 chapter shutout.

Pulling off a Boston demonstrates your absolute dominance over the entire table. You‘ve won the equivalent of a decathlon vs. your opponents!

Little wonder runners of this rare hand are revered as royalty by fellow players. The trailblazers who mastered vicious railroad routes built the foundation that modern Boston legends stand on!

I hope this deeper dive has shed light on the fascinating story and strategy behind "running a Boston" in spades. It‘s a monumental achievement every card game enthusiast should aspire towards!

Let the mind games and quest begin…

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