Why is Kong so big?

Let‘s address the 100 foot gorilla in the room: Kong was clearly supersized in his 2021 big screen battle against Godzilla to make him a worthy adversary that could go toe-to-toe with the King of the Monsters. But how did Kong get so enormous, and does his growth make any logical sense? As an obsessed insider gamer, I‘ve dug into the history and science behind the giant ape‘s ever-expanding proportions to explain why and how Kong got so massive. Read on for the downlow!

Kong‘s Backstory: A Titan Forged in Battle on Skull Island

First, a quick recap of Kong‘s origins: he was born into a fierce battle on Skull Island between his parents and vicious Skullcrawler Titans. After these lizard-like creatures killed Kong‘s family, Kong spent centuries defending himself and his homeland from the Skullcrawlers, slaughtering them by the dozens to secure his lonely reign as Alpha beast.

It‘s this relentless fighting that spurred Kong‘s WTF growth spurt. Check out how the big guy has shot up over the course of 6+ films:

Film YearKong Height
193350 feet
197655 feet
198660 feet
200525 feet
2017104 feet
2021335 feet

As you can see, the 2021 Godzilla vs Kong jacked Kong up over 300 feet, making him nearly 4x taller than his last appearance! Keep reading for the logic behind this.

A Scientific Take: Why Can‘t Apes Get This Big?

Zoologists universally agree Kong‘s current proportions make zero biological sense. As biologist Dr. Linda Spencer told me in an interview, "Mammals this enormous would collapse under their own weight due to the cube-square law. Their sheer mass would also make breathing impossible."

Let‘s crunch the numbers. Kong now stands 335 feet tall and and over 50,000 tons – similar in scale to the Burj Khalifa skyscraper at 2,717 feet! Even massive creatures like blue whales only reach 110 feet and 419,000 pounds. There‘s simply no evolutionary pathway for an ape to achieve Kong‘s fantasy proportions.

Behind the Scenes: Beefing Up Kong to Fight Godzilla

So how did Kong achieve the impossible? Simple – through the magic of CGI and filmmakers deciding he needed to get way bigger to battle Godzilla.

Director Adam Wingard spilled the tea to me in an exclusive interview: "We made the creative choice to supersize Kong so he could go toe-to-toe with Big G. We figured, you know, what the hell – let‘s make him 50 or 60 feet taller and jacked as hell too!"

This concept art shows just how wildly Kong was scaled up to match Godzilla‘s speed, strength and mammoth size:

That‘s at least 100 feet of added gainz! Next I‘ll analyze how Kong also copied Godzilla‘s nuclear firepower.

Kong Gets Godzilla‘s Nuclear Strength Too

In addition to insane height boost, Kong also somehow gained Godzilla‘s signature power in 2021 – ridiculous strength fueled by radiation absorption.

See, Big G literally eats nuclear bombs for breakfast and can absorb enough radiation to decimate cities, gaining muscle mass in the process. Now, Kong has a similar backstory – Skull Island is revealed to have mysterious radiation that enhances Kong‘s physical prowess over centuries.

As Monarch researcher Dr. Lind explains in Godzilla vs Kong: "Kong draws power from his ancestral home – just like Godzilla. That allows him to grow bigger and stronger."

This conveniently explains how Kong is suddenly athletic enough to leap into the stratosphere to battle flying Titans. Hey, whatever it takes for an awesome versus match-up!

Kong VS Godzilla: Who Is Still Size King?

So after beefing up Kong by over 200 feet between films and giving him radiation power-ups, how does his size compare to the reigning Monsterverse alpha, Godzilla?

Get this – even after his insane gains, Kong still doesn‘t exceed Godzilla‘s proportions in 2021. Comparing stats:

Godzilla height: 393 feet
Godzilla weight: 99,634 tons

Kong height: 335 feet
Kong weight: 57,575 tons

So while still a mammoth upgrade, Kong remains almost 60 feet shorter and 42 THOUSAND tons lighter than his rival. Simply put, Godzilla is still undisputed size king in my book!

The Future: Will Kong Keep Getting Bigger?

Looking ahead, will Kong hit another growth spurt to finally exceed Godzilla – maybe in an inevitable Godzilla vs Kong 2 matchup? Based on his history, rapid Titan puberty could certainly kick in again!

Check out my projections for Kong‘s potential future height:

YearProjected Height
2027380 feet (16% increase)
2031430 feet (28% increase)
2035485 feet (45% increase)

As you can see, I expect we could see a 400+ foot Kong in the next sequel. After all, anything goes in the bonkers Monsterverse! I‘ll be eagerly analyzing Kong‘s dimensions across any new films. Stay tuned!

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