Why Koraidon Defies Expectations as a Bike in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet

At first glance, the legendary Pokémon Koraidon seems like it should function as a ridable bike. With its angular wheels, armored chassis, and cybernetic accents, Koraidon evokes the image of a futuristic motorcycle suitable for traversing the Paldea region. However, in actuality, Koraidon does not ride like a bike at all. Instead, it relies fully on its muscular limbs, wings, and tail for locomotion. Koraidon‘s wheel-like protrusions appear to mainly serve a hydrodynamic purpose, not land transportation.

Detailed Analysis of Key Reasons Koraidon Cannot Cycle

Koraidon possesses specific morphological features that prevent it from actually driving like a motorbike across terrain:

Non-Contact Wheels: The protruding rings hovering around Koraidon‘s body clearly do not contact the ground, eliminating any traction or friction needed to rotationally propel itself forward. They spin idly without engaging the environment.

Paw-Based Movement: Observed animations show Koraidon firmly walking or running using the sturdy paws on its hands and feet. At no point do Koraidon’s wheels contribute propulsive power.

Aquatic Propulsion Theory: As the rings levitate inches above any surface, they cannot provide rolling movement on land. However, the curved foils could theoretically serve as propellers through water in a swimming capacity.

Primal Inspiration: As a beast embodying ancient eras, Koraidon moves via primal mechanisms like limbs, wings, and muscles rather than through technological wheels and motors.This suits its theming as a relic of history.

So with non-functional wheels and anatomical traits suited for primal actions like running, climbing, and swimming over cycling, Koraidon clearly flouts expectations as a bike despite the aesthetic.

Comparative Data and Abilities for Koraidon vs Miraidon

Contrasting Koraidon against its Scarlet/Violet counterpart Miraidon further clarifies why Koraidon’s morphology is ill-equipped for cycling.

Weight668.0 lbs429.9 lbs
Height8‘ 2‘‘6‘ 3‘‘
InspirationPrehistoric erasFuturistic technology
WheelsNon-contact; for swimmingMagnetic-levitation for gliding
TransportationRunning, climbing, flying, swimmingHovering ~1 ft above ground

Whereas Miraidon utilizes anti-gravity hover wheels akin to a levitating motorcycle, Koraidon does not cycle whatsoever. Instead, its heavier and taller build coupled with non-functional wheels renders biking impossible compared to Miraidon‘s literal floating ride.

Statistical Performance Metrics

Quantitative battle statistics further reinforce Koraidon’s divergence from a cycling bitmap, optimized for ancient brute force over modern speed:


  • High HP, Attack, Defense
  • Low Speed Stat
  • Heavy Weight
  • Orichalcum Pulse Ability


  • High Special Attack, Special Defense
  • Exceptional Speed
  • Light Weight
  • Electromagnetic Pulse Ability

Koraidon focuses raw power over agility, with mass and force better suited for running, tackling, and piloting through water versus riding.

Koraidon vs Miraidon Stats

Data Source: Serebii.net, The Pokémon Company

So clearly Koraidon diverges sharply from Miraidon’s bike-like qualities and performance, instead concentrating hardy talents.

Thematic Origins Behind Koraidon‘s Primitive Design

Analyzing Koraidon’s conceptual roots better elucidates Game Freak’s ethos in crafting a prehistoric-themed beast rather than quick-moving bike:

Ancient Inspiration

Koraidon drew creative influence from ancient reptiles and dinosaurs, setting an expectation for primal behaviors over technological enhancements like functional wheels. Its scowling countenance even resembles archeological restorations of fierce raptors and lizards.

Past RelicTheme

As the legendary embodiment of Scarlet edition’s past theme, Koraidon invokes the sense of a fighter from eras long gone. Its aged and weathered textures reinforce this relic treatment.

Cycling Symbolism Clash

The concept of a primordial lizard cycling on wheels provokes a thematic clash. By keeping the rings vestigial and ornamental, the prehistoric mystique stays intact. Koraidon moves how we imagine its forebears would have – through innate physicality.

Fan Reception and Speculation Around Koraidon‘s Design

Pokémon forums feature extensive debate regarding Koraidon’s unusual blending of modern and ancient visual cues without matching bike-like functionality.

Popular theories include:

  • The rings form armor against Miraidon’s futuristic tech
  • They reference stone hoops from ancient cultures
  • Vestiges hint Koraidon once wheeled like Miraidon in the past
  • A partial evolution exists between the two legends
  • Future variants, mega evolutions, or forms may enable cycling

While speculative, this discourse highlights fascination with Koraidon bucking expectations. Game Freak crafted an icon that deliberately challenges assumptions through perplexing but symbolic design.

By integrating just enough modernity to look bike-inspired while retaining primordial behaviors, they forged an innovative clash evoking discussion.

How Could Koraidon Alternatively Work as a Mount?

Given Koraidon’s surprising inability to cycle itself, an open question arises – could players directly ride it, if not as a rideable bike then perhaps as a mount?

Saddling and manually steering Koraidon could plausibly provide locomotion missing from its spinning rims. Its robust frame offers enough stability, and we see other beasts like noble steeds that support riders.

Adorning tough armor plates as a mount would also portray Koraidon as a valiant war steed protecting its master, befitting its warrior theming.

However, Game Freak instead chose to have Koraidon transport players while staying autonomous and self-directed, preserving its wild, unmastered spirit as an unsaddled legend commanding respect.

Koraidon’s deviance from expectations as a rideable bike ultimately highlights Game Freak’s goal of honoring its primordial inspirations versus conforming to assumptions. Despite echoing modern cycling aesthetics, at its heart Koraidon remains a monster from eras where primal strength and daring ruled over technological innovation.

By defiantly marching to its own ancient drumbeat rather than adopting wheels as a vehicular mode of transport, Koraidon upholds its themes of powers earned over time through battle and survival against harsh elements. While speculations will persist over the true purpose of its ornamental rings, the mystery itself pays tribute to legends from distant eons we can never fully know nor tame. Koraidon’s indomitable spirit compels respect.

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