Why Kung Lao Burns with Jealousy Towards Liu Kang

As fellow monks and allies, Liu Kang and Kung Lao seem bound together by brotherhood. However, one issue drives a bitter wedge between them – Kung Lao‘s searing jealousy over Liu Kang‘s status as chosen champion of Mortal Kombat. This resentment has festered for years, eventually contributing to Kung Lao‘s descent into corruption.

Brothers in Arms with Contrasting Destinies

Liu Kang and Kung Lao were trained side by side in the ways of martial arts under the tutelage of Bo‘ Rai Cho. But it quickly became apparent that while both were exemplary students, Liu Kang exhibited that extra degree of tenacity and instinct that set him apart.

As they honed their signature fighting styles, their differing traits also emerged:

Liu Kang

  • Favors passionate, aggressive Dragon fighting method
  • Embraces his purpose wholeheartedly
  • Displays reckless abandon in pursuing victory

Kung Lao

  • Utilizes more precise, elegant Mantis style
  • Struggles with legacy as Great Kung Lao‘s heir
  • Shows more restraint and efficiency in conservation of energy

When Raiden hand-picked Liu Kang to represent Earthrealm, Kung Lao‘s simmering jealousy towards his peer was sparked. While he cared deeply for Liu Kang, this perceived slight at being passed over haunted him.

The Burden of Great Expectations

As descendant of the legendary Great Kung Lao, expectations weighed heavily on Kung Lao‘s shoulders growing up. But his personality was ill-suited for the pressures of glory. Liu Kang more naturally fit the archetype of "chosen one" that Kung Lao resented being saddled with.

  • Liu Kang thriving as champion only further frustrated Kung Lao rather than motivating him
  • Kung Lao‘s talents constantly overlooked due to Liu Kang soaking up acclaim
  • Lead to withdrawn, brooding personality and antisocial tendencies

Despite his heritage and skills, Kung Lao preferred anonymity over championship. But Liu Kang becoming top warrior made ignoring his own latent potential impossible.

A Fatal Case of Sour Grapes

Once slain by Shao Kahn and resurrected by Quan Chi as a revenant servant, the darkness in Kung Lao‘s heart fully corrupted his soul. His jealousy curdled into unrelenting bitterness bent on tearing down Liu Kang rather than truly uplifting himself.

Obsessively convinced of his superiority, Kung Lao sought to undermine and defeat Liu Kang at every turn. Each failure only further wounded his ego, driving his resentment deeper.

  • Considered himself highest caliber of kombatant worthy of admiration
  • Refused to accept Raiden and Liu Kang as protectors of Earthrealm over him
  • Felt no one could appreciate skill and efficiency like his Mantis form

Kung Lao‘s festering jealousy made him easy prey for the forces of evil. His hubris blinded him to the fact that below it all, deep down Liu Kang still cherished him as a brother-in-arms who fate had tragically failed.

Ironically, despite being the source of Kung Lao‘s resentment, Liu Kang has endured his own storms of hardship and rivalry:

  • Accidentally killed by Raiden in disputed battle strategy
  • Resurrected by Quan Chi as vengeful revenant
  • Finally restored and transformed into fire god by merging souls with Raiden

Through it all, Liu Kang has never given up on freeing Kung Lao from his demons and hoping to regain the friendship they once shared long ago as youths in the Shaolin temple.

Conclusion: Brothers Divided but Destinies Intertwined

Years of perceived slights and simmering jealousy has corrupted Kung Lao, perhaps irreparably. But Liu Kang still holds out hope that the good soul he once knew still remains buried underneath the darkness and fury.

Their ever-unfolding sagas remain tied together, two brothers following diverging roads that may someday converge again. Kung Lao must confront his own shortcomings rather than get consumed endlessly trying to tear Liu Kang down to make himself feel greater. Only then can the two find common ground once more.

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