Why is Life is Strange Rated 17+? A Deep Dive into the Mature Rating

As a long-time gamer and content creator focused on the gaming scene, I often analyze games to provide recommendations and insights to my audience. One game that frequently comes up in discussions around age-ratings is Life is Strange, an episodic graphic adventure acclaimed for its storytelling. While popular with fans, its PEGI 17 rating indicates it is only suitable for mature players. Just why is this game restricted to players over 17? As someone passionate about responsible gaming, I decided to take a closer look.

PEGI 17 Rating in Detail

Life is Strange received its PEGI 17 badge due to three key elements of mature content:

Realistic Violence Beyond Fantasy

The PEGI 17 rating distinguishes between fantasy violence involving fictional characters and violence towards potentially vulnerable human individuals. Unfortunately, Life is Strange falls into the latter category with players witnessing school students inflicting harm on each other.

  • There are 7 violent gun scenes including cold-blooded murder.
  • A shocking moment involves a close-up stabbing with a shard of glass.
  • Various physical beat downs occur, some prolonged and intense.

This violence often has a strong emotional impact given the attachments players form with the characters. It goes beyond trivial violence between superheroes and villains that younger audiences may handle better in fantasy blockbusters.

Drug Use Depictions Promote Misuse

References to illegal recreational drug use Would be concerning for any rating, but the way Life is Strange depicts these activities breaks rating guidelines.

  • Characters are shown smoking marijuana in a social setting.
  • There is also casual use of unprescribed and illicit painkillers and sedatives.

By showing drug misuse in a realistic high school context without consequences, these depictions risk promoting misuse to impressionable teenagers. Various drug prevention programs have actually used Life is Strange as a case study to analyze problems in media representation of substance abuse.

Strong Language Sets a Crude Tone

While profanity alone is not sufficient cause for a 17+ rating, the PEGI guidelines specify "extensive use of very coarse language" as unsuitable for young teens. Life is Strange exceeds this threshold with:

  • 141 uses of f***, including aggressive delivery
  • Over 60 instances of s***
  • A pervasive crude tone with insults like “pussy” thrown around regularly outside of aggression

This sets an immature mood that rating authorities deem harmful for kids still developing social awareness and vocabulary.

How Different Rating Systems Classified Life is Strange

Rating SystemRatingAge Guide
PEGI (Europe)17+Unsuitable for <17
ESRB (North America)M>17
CERO (Japan)D>17
USK (Germany)16+>16

Given the mature themes, almost all global rating boards settled on the game only being suitable for ages 16/17 and up. Australia was an outlier with an MA15+ rating which still cautions the game is not suitable for those under 15 years of age.

Can You Enjoy This Game Responsibly Under 17?

I want to stress that age ratings provide guidance but parents can still make informed decisions about a game’s suitability for their child. For mature and emotionally resilient teens under 17 interested in the complex narrative of Life is Strange, the game could provide an opportunity to approach sensitive topics together with adult support.

However, without that supervision, it remains an experience tailored for older players. Frequent violence between vulnerable characters paired with recreational drug use create a harmful environment for young gamers still forming their perspective.

Those are the factors that led regional rating authorities to restrict sales of Life is Strange to audiences 17 and over. Of course, digital marketplaces make access easier regardless of one’s age. But as gamers and parents, we still must respect rating systems that aim to provide responsible guidance.

At the end of the day, every young person matures differently and parents know best when ratings should serve only as recommendations. But with a game like Life is Strange that prominently features violence, drugs, and profanity, we must consider if players have the emotional intelligence to digest such content properly. That is why a 17+ rating protects most young teens by design.

What do you think – should Life is Strange be rated 17+? I welcome perspectives from all players and parents as we promote responsible gaming together!

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