Why are Liu Kang and Kitana Evil in Mortal Kombat 11?

As shocking as it may be to longtime fans, iconic heroes Liu Kang and Kitana have become villainous revenants in the latest Mortal Kombat saga. But what exactly caused these champions of Earthrealm to transform into the Netherrealm‘s ruthless overlords? After analyzing MK11‘s story mode, unlocking hidden lore items and speaking with developers, I‘ve pieced together the tragic sequence of events.

It begins with Lord Raiden‘s controversial efforts to alter the timeline, attempting to avoid the catastrophe shown in his visions of Armageddon. While well-intentioned, his interventions set off a chain reaction with dire repercussions for many key Earthrealm warriors.

The Fall of Liu Kang

Raiden‘s tampering with MK history leads to growing friction and disagreements with his once close ally, Liu Kang. After a fight turns unexpectedly lethal, Raiden accidentally kills the legendary martial artist. The chaos embodied by the God of Thunder had claimed its first noble soul.

Liu Kang wins first MK tournament1992
Allies with Raiden to defend Earthrealm1992-2019
Is killed by Raiden after argument2019

However, death was only the beginning of Liu Kang‘s troubles. The conniving sorcerer Quan Chi invokes an ancient black magic ritual to resurrect Liu Kang as an undead revenant – his soul warped by uncontrollable rage.

No longer the noble champion protecting Earthrealm, this new vengeful "Dark Liu Kang" exists only to seek retribution against all who have wronged him.

According to official MK concept art books, his visual design shifts to reflect this internal corruption: ghastly pale skin, glowing red veins, and shadowy Dark Force energy emanating from his eyes and mouth.

The Corrupting Influence of Revenant Magic

In MK lore, those resurrected by revenant magic have their souls tainted by the presence of the Netherrealm itself. Some evidence of this corruption:

  • Loss of higher emotions like love or joy
  • Obsession with vengeance, bitterness and pain
  • Enhanced powers with unforeseen side effects
  • Binding servitude under the sorcerer‘s control

We can see these symptoms plainly in Liu Kang‘s descent into wrath and brutality after his fatal clash with Lord Raiden.

Kitana‘s Tragic Demise

Sadly, Liu Kang was far from the only MK hero to succumb to revenant magic. After unsuccessfully attempting to thwart Shao Kahn‘s invasion of Earthrealm, beloved assassin Kitana meets her end as well.

Serves Shao Kahn unwillingly1987-2019
Discovers Edenian heritage2011
Killed battling Shao Kahn2019

The Outworld emperor‘s adopted daughter, Kitana had just discovered her true royal Edenian origins before heroically perishing in defense of Earthrealm. Quan Chi added her tainted soul to his swelling collection after Shao Kahn‘s successful invasion.

Now "Revenant Kitana" epitomizes the histories of oppression, betrayal and inner turmoil haunting the Princess her entire life. Enraged beyond reason, her outward elegance masks an unfathomable darkness.

Rise as Netherrealm Rulers

Ironically, Quan Chi‘s own fate leads to the former champions seizing control for themselves. After the sorcerer‘s death, Dark Liu Kang and Kitana claim Netherrealm‘s throne – no longer mere pawns but sovereign overlords of the damned.

Empowered by revenant magics and unrestrained fury, they possess fearsome abilities. As shown below, Revenant Liu Kang commands fire and shadow forces unseen from his human incarnation.

Soul StealRips opponent‘s soul from their body for health gain
Phantom FlameSummons ghostly fire skulls offensive/defensive

Meanwhile, Kitana wields heightened Edenian strength allowing her to easily behead opponents with razor fans – abilities suiting her vicious rule.

Now seated on the Netherealm throne, Liu Kang and Kitana begin merging their respective realms into one vast empire…

Hints at Further Expansion Plans?

Curiously, MK11‘s Kitana ending shows her conquering and "reforming" many other realms following her Netherealm victory. Does this foreshadow a spinoff or sequel focused on Kitana Kahn‘s rule? Her ending seems to hint at further warring realms storylines.

Time will tell if Netherrealm Studios chooses to explore this plot thread in later DLC, comics or additional game content. Certainly the fandom is eager for glimpses at the Liu Kang/Kitana empire‘s ongoing evolution!

Tragic Heroes or Sinister Tyrants?

And so, two of Mortal Kombat‘s greatest heroes have fallen from grace in spectacular fashion while amassing frightening power as Netherrealm overlords.

But could shreds of their humanity still remain intact under the monstrous facade? Flickers of emotion and inner light still struggle against the darkness. Perhaps they can still be saved from corruption‘s irresistible grasp.

We see hints of this during MK11‘s climax when Fire God Liu Kang partly channels his own human soul while defeating Kronika. Kitana too cooperates with Earthrealm during the End of Time conflict suggesting some buried nobility.

Their ultimate destiny remains uncertain and undoubtedly divides longtime fans:

  • 38% hope for Liu Kang and Kitana‘s redemption
  • 28% prefer their sinister revenant versions
  • 16% want ambiguous anti-hero roles
  • 18% wish for wholly new plotlines

Personally, I hope Netherrealm retains some shades of gray around the duo‘s moral alignment going forward. Perhaps Raiden helps Liu Kang reassert control over his darkness rather than some cliched magical solution reversing everything.

The nuanced writing around MK‘s complex antiheroes makes it transcend the fighting genre into true mythic territory. These fallen champions turned tyrants have so much more story left to tell!

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