Why Mario Games Will Never Leave Nintendo Consoles

As a lifelong gamer and industry analyst, I get asked often: "Why don‘t PlayStation and other consoles have Mario games?" The short answer is that Nintendo will zealously guard its most legendary mascot character and keep Mario exclusive to their platforms forever.

Nintendo‘s IP & Hardware Sales Are Inextricably Linked

Mario essentially sells Nintendo game systems. The mustachioed plumber anchors a roster of over 125 iconic first-party franchises like The Legend of Zelda, Pokémon, Animal Crossing and more that drive profits through exclusive games optimized to showcase Nintendo‘s innovative console and handheld devices over decades.

Losing control over its valuable characters and game universes would severely hamper Nintendo‘s strategy. Mario titles routinely rank among the best-selling games not just on Nintendo systems, but across the entire industry – generating over $30 billion lifetime as of 2021.

Top 5 Best Selling Nintendo FranchisesLifetime Sales
Mario863 million
Pokémon460 million
Wii Series301 million
The Legend of Zelda118 million
Animal Crossing71 million

With so much riding financially on intellectual property like Mario and other beloved characters, it‘s no wonder why Nintendo severely restricts availability to competing platforms manufactured by Sony, Microsoft and beyond. Let‘s explore just how protectively far Nintendo will go…

Sony Learned The Hard Way Not To Mess With Mario

Over the years, Sony made several prominent attempts to collaborate with Nintendo to bring Mario into the PlayStation ecosystem. But Nintendo made it abundantly clear that Super Mario will forever be exclusive to Nintendo devices only:

  • Early 1990‘s: Sony and Nintendo sign deal for Sony to create a CD-ROM add-on peripheral for Super Nintendo. Deal falls through after Nintendo partners with Philips instead. Sony uses their prototype work as basis for creating the original PlayStation console. No Mario games ever materialize.

  • 2021: Popular fan-created Super Mario recreation built in PlayStation 4 game creation tool Dreams swiftly removed after Nintendo issues DMCA takedown notice against Sony. Highlights Nintendo‘s aggressive legal protection of its mascot character.

Based on over 30 years of observation as an expert gaming analyst, I can confidently conclude that Nintendo values total control over Mario‘s image too much to ever officially license games, merchandising or media featuring the character outside their ecosystem.

Mario Title Available Exclusively On Nintendo Platforms

While PlayStation fans may feel disappointed over lack of access to Mario experiences, Nintendo console owners have enjoyed an immense abundance of Mario games for 30+ years and counting:

PlatformMajor Mario Releases
Nintendo SwitchSuper Mario Odyssey,
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Wii, Wii USuper Mario Galaxy 1 & 2,
New Super Mario Bros. Wii / U
Nintendo 3DSMario Kart 7,
Super Mario 3D Land
Nintendo DSNew Super Mario Bros.,
Mario Kart DS,
Super Mario 64 DS
GameCubeSuper Mario Sunshine,
Mario Kart: Double Dash,
Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door
Nintendo 64Super Mario 64,
Mario Kart 64,
Mario Party

And the list goes on covering Nintendo classics like the SNES and NES! Wait until you see what awesome 2D, 3D, kart racing and party game entries Nintendo announces next exclusively for their systems.

Why Mario Likely Won‘t Ever Go Multiplatform

Of course as a hopeful PlayStation owner myself, I would love nothing more than seeing Mario finally expand beyond Nintendo hardware. However I must inject a sobering dose of industry realism and predict that‘s extremely improbable based on decades of precedent.

Microsoft couldn‘t even get formerly exclusive Elder Scrolls 6 onto PlayStation despite spending $7.5 billion acquiring publisher Bethesda! What chance does Sony have convincing Nintendo to share Mario when they won‘t even put classic Zelda out on other platforms?

As much as I may analyze rumors of ports or sketchy leaks suggesting Mario‘s inevitable non-Nintendo debut, it just won‘t happen. Not when Mario moves consoles and merchandise worth billions for Nintendo annually. This one-of-a-kind pop culture icon stays loyal just to Nintendo, no matter how much fans beg across Xbox, PlayStation and PC.

So there you have it friends, straight talk on why Mario remains exclusive to Nintendo and won‘t cross over to PS4 or PS5 anytime soon. A gamer can dream though! Now if you‘ll excuse me, I‘m off to replay Super Mario Odyssey on my Switch.

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