Why is Mario So Good in Smash? An In-Depth Breakdown

As one of Smash‘s most iconic veterans, Mario has consistently remained a formidable force across every installment of the series. But why exactly has this classic character been able to stand the test of time and always perform at the highest competitive level? Read on for an extensive evaluation of Mario‘s toolkit to understand the key strengths that make him truly great in Smash.

Unmatched Versatility and Fundamentals

Mario‘s biggest edge is that he has no crippling weaknesses. With above average mobility (32nd fastest dash speed), strong frame data, medium weight, and a diverse moveset, Mario functions well in nearly any matchup or situation. This gives him an edge as he can adapt his gameplan based on the opponent. Against faster foes, Mario leverages his power. When facing heavies, he utilizes his speed and combos. This flexibility is invaluable and a primary reason for Mario‘s enduring top tier status.

Hallmark of a Fundamental Fighter

  • No weak areas in mobility, power, or recovery
  • Excels in neutral with balanced attributes
  • Potent damage racking and early KOs
  • Solutions to cover any matchup spread

As top professional MKLeo puts it:

Mario has the tools to succeed against anyone. Need to play defensive? Mario has the frame data. Need to play aggressive? Mario has the speed and combos. You aren‘t beating him by exploiting some huge weakness because he doesn‘t have any. You have to just outplay the player.

This sums up why Mario shines from a pure fundamentals perspective.

Lightning Quick Mobility

In a game where movement and interactions happen at lightning speed, Mario‘s overall mobility stands out as an asset. He has:

  • High traction to pivot and change direction rapidly
  • Low short hop for quick aerial attacks
  • Fast falling speed to transition from aerials into grabs/tilts
  • Strong air drift control for continuing and finishing combos

This mobility combines with Mario‘s combo potential for long, damaging sequences where Mario quickly chains together attacks. The speed also facilitates getting to the right position to edge guard and ledge trap.

Mobility Metrics

Run Speed1.8832nd
Initial Dash2.2326th
Air Speed1.1824th

Devastating Combos and Damage Output

Once Mario gets an opening, his reliable combo game takes over to inflict devastating damage. He has a diverse combo toolkit that includes:

  • Tilts – Up tilt, forward tilt, down tilt starts combos
  • Grabs/Throws – Down throw combos into aerial attacks
  • Aerials – Up air, back air, forward air string together
  • Specials – Cape, FLUDD, up special finishers

Mario is capable of taking opponents from 0% to 60-70% off a single combo due to his many confirm options at varying percents that link moves together smoothly.

This combo ability let‘s Mario rack up high damage quickly and then land a KO option like up air or forward air. Even without securing early KOs, by consistently winning neutral exchanges and combo‘ing opponents, Mario will accumulate percent leads. This inevitably results in taking stocks just through accrued damage.

Combo Damage Output

Combo% Damage
Up tilt -> up air -> up air -> up special50%+
Down throw -> back air -> forward air -> dash attack40%+

Devastating Knockback Power on Key Attacks

While Mario builds good damage with combos, he truly excels at closing out stocks early thanks to highly potent KO moves, especially:

  • Forward Air – Extremely fast startup and high knockback
  • Up Air – Large hitbox covers high above Mario
  • Up Smash – Invincible headbutt with early KO potential
  • Down Air – Meteor smash spike ideal near the edge

Mario is lethal from 0-15% for landing a sweetspotted major KO option like his forward air. From mid percents of 50-100%, up air and up smash reliably take stocks. Even his weaker moves like back air and up tilt can KO at reasonable high percents around 140%.

This gives Mario diverse finishers at any point in a stock. If he lands an opening combo at low percent, forward air can end the stock immediately. At later percents when fishing for the KO, back airs and up tilts set up for lethal up airs and up smashes.

KO Power

AttackKO % (Middleweight)
Forward Air (Sweetspot)~10%
Up Air~110%
Up Smash~100%
Down Air~120%

As top Smash commentator EE explains:

Once Mario gets you off stage, you‘re in huge trouble against his edge guard game. But even on stage, make one wrong move in neutral near the side blast zone and Mario‘s forward air will make you pay the ultimate price.

This exemplifies how Mario is always one opening away from taking a stock.

Nearly Insurmountable Off-Stage Pressure

Where Mario truly dominates is using his edge guarding and ledge trapping to prevent opponents from making it back to the stage. His strengths here include:

  • Cape reflector altering recovery angles
  • Explosive FLUDD pushing foes away
  • Aerials with lasting hitboxes to intercept (back air, forward air)
  • Fireballs stalling approaches and forcing high recoveries
  • Down Gun spike meteoring vertically

With this loaded toolkit, Mario excels at holding ledge then reacting to cover all recovery options. The cape covers angles around Mario, while fireballs and bair hit vertical paths. Explosive FLUDD pushes recoveries away if they get close, and down air spikes directly challenging ones.

Once Mario takes your stock, his ledge trapping makes it exceedingly hard to ever make it back. You‘ll face an onslaught of attacks covering every option, plus potential Sacred Combos (down throw to star KO up air) to lose stocks at 0%. This offense-defense balance is why Mario is so dominant off-stage.

Recovery Interruption Ability

Edge Guarding9.5/10
Ledge Trapping9/10

Consistent Viability Over Time

What makes Mario‘s sustained success across 20+ years of Smash even more impressive are the sweeping gameplay changes between titles:

  • Melee – Mario emerged as a top 8 character
  • Brawl – Remained high tier despite major engine shift
  • Smash 4 – Clear top 10 fighter
  • Ultimate – Still firmly top 15 character

Despite new characters, mechanics, and patches redefining the meta, Mario has never dipped below top 15 thanks to his fundamental toolkit transcending seasons and games. Even when his weaknesses get exposed or bad matchups emerge, Mario eventually adapts and remains a threat due to his well-rounded capabilities.

This historical staying power speaks to why Mario is so good in Smash – his core attributes reliably perform even as other fighters rise and fall around him.

So in summary, Mario‘s enduring high tier status across Smash history comes down to:

  • No Weaknesses – With no bad matchups or flaws to exploit, Mario always has counterplay options.
  • Reliable Combos – Easy damage racking via lengthy, high percent combo strings.
  • Kill Power On Key Moves – Forward air, up air, up smash seal stocks early.
  • Dominant Off-Stage – Nearly impossible to get past Mario‘s edge guarding and ledge traps.
  • Consistency Over Time – Fundamentals carry Mario‘s viability despite sweeping meta shifts.

These well-rounded capabilities make Mario a formidable threat that every new Smash player must learn the matchup against. So whether you main the plumber yourself or just face him often in tournaments, understanding Mario‘s strengths provides key insights to up your game. Respect the classics!

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