Demystifying the Master Sword: Why the Iconic Blade Fluctuates Between 30 and 60 Damage

The Master Sword, Link‘s legendary Blade of Evil‘s Bane, is one of gaming‘s most iconic weapons. Who could forget the first time they drew the mythical sword from its pedestal, awakening as the hero to battle Ganon and the Calamity?

But longtime fans may have noticed something odd about the Master Sword in Breath of the Wild – its damage seems inconsistent, alternating between 30 and 60. Why does the sword‘s power vary so drastically? Is it a glitch or intentional?

As a passionate Zelda expert, I‘ve explored the history and capabilities of this unique sword to get to the bottom of its changeable strength. Grab your Hylian Shield and let‘s discover the secrets behind the Master Sword‘s fluctuating damage!

A Weapon Forged to Destroy Evil

The Master Sword, also known as "The Sword that Seals the Darkness", is no ordinary blade. It was originally forged by the Ancient Sages specifically to oppose and destroy demons, monsters, wizards, and other evil forces threatening Hyrule and the Royal Family.

According to legend, the sword chose a hero named Link to wield its power. Together, they defeated and sealed away the demon king Demise. The Master Sword became a recurring iconic weapon taken up by new Links whenever a new incarnation of Ganon returns.

So what gives the sword its legendary anti-evil abilities?

Detecting Sources of Calamity Ganon‘s Corruption

The Master Sword was designed with special technology to detect concentrations of evil power and transform itself accordingly. How does this sensing work? Likely through a mix of these effects:

  • Malice Detection – Malice is Ganon‘s potent dark energy that corrupts living things and the environment. The sword can probably "scan" for this distinct energy signature.
  • Sheikah Magitek – Sheikah tech empowers the sword with information gathering, analysis, and detection capabilities.
  • Hylia‘s Blessing – As originally blessed by the Goddess Hylia herself, the sword may tap into divine awareness to locate threats.

I theorize the Master Sword utilizes all three effects in harmony to identify areas permeated by Ganon‘s influence with extremely high accuracy.

Two States: Dormant and Awakened

The Master Sword possesses two distinct states reflected by its current strength:

Dormant State

  • 30 Damage
  • Blue winged crossguard retracted
  • Minimal downward pointing triangles on blade

The sword‘s default dormant state signifies it is at rest, not sensing any concentrations of Calamity Ganon‘s power in the vicinity. The lower 30 damage represents Link utilizing the Master Sword‘s innate sacred power on its own against common Hyrule threats and monsters.


Awakened State

  • 60 Damage
  • Blue winged crossguard extended
  • Glowing bright blue blade with prominent triangles
  • Significantly increased range and attack speed

When the Master Sword detects Malice, Guardians, or Ganon‘s influence, its crossguard extends and blue glowing triangles manifest along the length its blade as it enters its "awakened" state.

In this form, the sword channels and amplifies its intrinsic anti-evil and sacred sealing powers to full capacity. This focuses tremendous holy energy into its strikes, allowing it to deal a whopping 60 damage against enemies fueled by Calamity Ganon‘sstrength.


So in dangerous areas permeated with evil, the Master Sword unleashes its true power. But why does this attack buff only last temporarily?

The Glowing Effect: Visualizing Increased Power

When the Master Sword enters its awakened 60 damage state, the vibrant glow along its blade is more than just an aesthetic change – it‘s a visible indicator representing the ancient magic power flowing through it.

Bright celestial light streams out, signaling the sword is filled to the brim with sacred energy primed to smite Ganon‘s forces. This glow serves as a clear visual cue that the Master Sword is prepared for its duty to "seal the darkness".

Think of the glowing blue blade as a power meter! The fact this intense glow fades over time explains why the 60 damage buff has a limited duration…

Why the 60 Damage Boost is Temporary

Although the Master Sword amplifies its strength enormously against Calamity foes when awakened, this enormous power surge drains its magic reserves fairly quickly.

It‘s unlikely that the blacksmiths who forged this legendary blade over 10,000 years ago could have made the sword sustain such a huge continuous output indefinitely. Remember, this was even before ancient Sheikah technology reached its peak!

Like recharging batteries, the Master Sword eventually depletes its magical charge from being deployed at full capacity for prolonged periods. As its glow and triangles fade, I believe the drained sword reverts to a lower damage output so as not to overtax itself.

This makes the 30/60 damage fluctuation reasonable. The sword concentrates immense energy for short bursts then dutifully returns to a30 damage dormant state for rejuvenation. As the hero, Link must strike a balance between overusing and conserving its power.

Upgrading the Master Sword‘s Blade

For players seeking to overcome the Master Sword‘s temporary power limitations, The Master Trials DLC offers new challenge shrines known as the Trial of the Sword.

Completing these trials permanently raises the legendary sword‘s base power to 40, 50, or maxed out at 60 damage! But even when upgraded, the Master sword must still recharge and maintain periods of dormancy after heavy use.

See the table below for Master Sword damage values at each upgrade level:

Upgrade StateDamage
DLC Trial of the Sword I40
DLC Trial of the Sword II50
DLC Trial of the Sword III60

Tempering the Master Sword‘s strength through sacred trials enables courageous heroes to wield its ultimate true form permanently against the Calamity‘s endless onslaught!

How The Master Sword Compares to Other Legendary Blades

While formidable in its own right, the Master Sword is far from the only powerful blade Link can obtain. Here‘s how it stacks up to other iconic swords from the Zelda series:

  • Biggoron‘s Sword – Higher base damage but extremely heavy and lacks sacred sealing power
  • Fierce Deity Sword – Outclasses the Master Sword in raw strength but only summonable under very specific circumstances
  • Great Fairy Sword – Comparable or higher base damage and incredible reach but eventually breaks with use

So while options like Biggoron‘s massive forged blade or the monstrously strong Fierce Deity sword boast their own benefits, no other weapon rivals the overall utility and significance of Link‘s legendary Master Sword.

Conclusion: A Sword Matching Hyrule‘s Danger

In closing, the Master Sword‘s variable 30/60 damage mechanics seem specifically designed to scale its output to the level of evil currently threatening Hyrule. When Ganon‘s influence spreads, the sword activates fully to match the rising danger.

This unique dynamic blade that sleeps to recharge yet awakens to bring ultimate justice is a perfect match for the constantly shifting fate of the land of Hyrule. And over a century after its last use, the Master Sword still stands ready to return to the hero‘s hand whenever disaster looms…glowing brighter than ever before!

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