Why the Master Sword Deals 60 Damage

As a long-time Zelda fan making my name as an expert commentator on all things Hyrule, one of the most common questions I see is – why does the Master Sword deal 60 damage in Breath of the Wild? This beloved blade is one of gaming‘s most iconic weapons, recurring throughout the Zelda series as Link‘s bane of evil. Well, strap in, friends…today we‘re going deep on the Master Sword to uncover the secrets of its true power!

A Weapon Forged by Gods

First, a quick history lesson. The Master Sword, also known as the Blade of Evil‘s Bane, was originally forged by the goddess Hylia to combat demons. It chooses a heroic mortal to wield it in every generation – our buddy Link. When evil arises, this sword awakens to its full potential, with the power to repel darkness and banish wicked magic.

So in essence, it is a divine anti-evil weapon tailor-made to smash Ganon‘s face in! Its damage fluctuates based on the presence of malice.

Why 60 Damage Specifically?

In Breath of the Wild, the Master Sword normally deals only 30 damage to regular foes. But when Link enters an area affected by Calamity Ganon‘s malice – say, a Divine Beast or around a Guardian – it awakens into its powered-up state, glowing blue and dealing 60 damage!

But why 60? Well, according to prominent Zelda theorists, this doubling from 30 to 60 damage represents the Master Sword reconstituting itself after 100 years of slumber. It‘s reattuning to its full power as our console-selling hero returns!

AWeapon Reforged

You see, the sacred blade was heavily damaged in Link‘s fateful battle defending Zelda from Calamity Ganon centuries ago. The royal family later entombed it to allow it to slowly repair itself as Link healed in the Shrine of Resurrection.

So when Link returns to the world, neither he nor the Master Sword are at their best…at first. But the more malice Link encounters, the more his strength and weapon improve in tandem! Hence the damage rising from 30 to 60 as he adventures, symbolic of this arc. Beautiful storytelling without a single word!

Extra Anti-Calamity Oomph

Furthermore, the Master Sword deals bonus damage specifically to enemies and environments corrupted by Ganon, making it extra effective against the blights, Guardians, and malice-cloaked Hyrule Castle. This represents its divine anti-evil properties!

For example, Guardian Scout IV enemies take 14 hits normally…but the glowing Master Sword fells them in just 4 ultra-satisfying hits! The sacred flames enhance slashes, beams, and damage across the board, making battles more epic and rewarding.

A Deeper Connection

Upgrading the Master Sword also improves Link‘s connection with the spirit who resides within it – Fi. Meeting her again in the Sacred Grove evokes nostalgia for Ocarina of Time and Skyward Sword!

Their bond strengthens further via the Trial of the Sword DLC. Completing this gruelling combat challenge permanently raises the damage to 60 outside of malice areas. Link has finally reclaimed his former power!

We can infer that if Ganon returns again in tears, so too will the Master Sword…and with even bigger numbers as this duo‘s strength continues to wax and wane across generations! Which brings me to…

Rumored Future Upgrades

Fans speculate the Master Sword may receive additional upgrades in Breath of the Wild‘s eventual sequel, letting it damage foes with malice-draining light magic or protective barriers!

Perhaps we may even see the return of iconic abilities like projecting Skyward Sword‘s various elemental powers! Oooh baby, stopping enemy attacks with a Magic Frost Barrier sounds amazing…fingers crossed!

The heart of why the Master Sword NOW deals 60 damage is because of Link‘s journey to complete his strength as Hyrule‘s protector. But its capabilities may deepen further as threats arise in sequels!

A Weapon With Heart

So in summary – this legendary blade‘s 60 damage represents its reunification with our hero to eradicate Calamity Ganon‘s corruption! It cleanses Link‘s kingdom by bathing fiends in sacred flames as their fates intertwine across eras.

And that is the true beauty of the Master Sword…it is Link‘s companion, not just in combat, but in destiny. Forged by gods, this peerless weapon has journeyed alongside him through every adventure across Hyrule, steeped in history yet forever bound to the future.

Upgrading it once more will herald the closing of another chapter as we await the next legend! What awe-inspiring upgrade awaits in the sequel? We must be patient for now and let the Master Sword gather dust until its brilliance shines again! The darkness will return…and so shall this blade!

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