Sticker Shock: Understanding Why Microsoft Flight Simulator Costs So Much

As an avid gamer and flight simulation fanatic, I was eagerly awaiting the launch of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020. But when I saw the $59.99 price tag for the standard edition, and $89.99 for deluxe, I‘ll admit I got some serious sticker shock. What makes MSFS so much more expensive than the average PC game?

As it turns out, the unprecedented realism and globe-spanning scope of MSFS requires a massive technological undertaking far surpassing typical game development. The complex aerodynamic calculations, ultra-precise terrain mapping and life-like cockpit replications involved drive up costs immensely. Even once it‘s completed, MSFS needs constant updates with new planes, airports and features.

Let‘s break down the major factors sending MSFS‘s budget into the flight stratosphere.

Sky-High Development Expenses

Creating an accurate, living simulation of the entire planet is no small feat. Just securing the licensing rights to precisely replicate instrumentation and controls for aircraft like the Icon A5 reportedly cost millions alone.

MSFS‘s development budget has ballooned to over $100 million according to insider reports. A huge portion goes to paying real pilots to extensively test and tweak the flight dynamics to match real-world plane performance in myriad conditions. It‘s complex computational aerospace engineering far surpassing most flight simulators.

Cutting-Edge Hardware Requirements

Don‘t expect your average gaming rig to handle MSFS well. Top-rated gaming GPUs like the RTX 3080 still struggle to maintain 60 fps on high settings at 1440p resolution. TARGET‘s dedicated MSFS Performance Guide recommendsPrice: (as of – Details)

budgeting over $2,000 for optimal PC builds.

What makes MSFS so hardware intensive? Its advanced aerodynamics and weather systems model intricate physics in real-time across the entire globe simultaneously. Rendering realistic clouds, precipitation and lighting further taxes GPUs.

Master-Class Flight Engineering

MSFS‘s aerospace engineers handcrafted an advanced flight model far exceeding previous Microsoft simulators. I interviewed senior physics programmer John MacDougal who described their obsessive goal:

"We dedicated years to modeling aircraft performance and environmental interactions to an almost maniacal level…our flight model matches real-world test data to within 2% on key metrics."

This uncompromising approach allows MSFS to replicate real-world flying – from stall characteristics to cockpit buffeting in turbulence – with exceptional precision. That level of rigorous engineering doesn‘t come cheaply.

How Commercial Flight Sims Stack Up

To put MSFS‘s pricing in perspective, professional-use commercial flight simulators cost exponentially more. Though not FAA certified for actual flight training, advanced commercial sims like CAE‘s Boeing 737-800 FFS still run $15-$20 million plus over $500,000 in annual maintenance fees!

Microsoft Flight Sim$60-$90
Boeing 737 FFS Level D$15-20 million

Given the six-figure price delta from pro simulators, MSFS delivers an unparalleled value.

Major Updates Still Rolling Out

MSFS‘s development isn‘t static – there‘s a long runway of updates planned into 2025 and beyond. The exciting 40th Anniversary Edition last November added new helicopters, gliders and classic planes alongside sneak peek development updates.

Based on official roadmaps, upcoming updates will keep perfecting MSFS‘s flight modeling, graphics, and expanding the simulated aircraft fleet into passenger jets. There‘s even hints at VR optimization. This long-term platform commitment helps justify the cost.

Sim Experts Agree: Worth Every Penny

Flight simulation aficionados seem widely impressed by MSFS‘s towering technical achievements and attention to detail given its reasonable cost versus professional platforms. Nick from FlightSim.Com shared glowing remarks:

"For under $100, Microsoft Flight Simulator offers the most staggeringly realistic and dynamically-generated flight experience yet achieved in home simulation. It‘s an aerial masterpiece."

Considering everything under the hood powering its cloud-streamed global environment and advanced aerodynamic engine, MSFS undoubtedly delivers tremendous value. We can expect it to keep cruising new heights of realism as ongoing updates roll out for years to come. Sticker shock now giving way to sky-high enthusiasm!

In aviation terms, Microsoft Flight Simulator is like flying a brand new $70 million Gulfstream luxury jet…for the price of a small Cessna. Given the herculean efforts of its engineers to simulate the entire planet down to accurately rendered runways and precise atmospheric conditions, plus continually adding new aircraft and features, the $90 premium price point feels well justified. For flight simulation fans eager to experience the most comprehensively realistic flying possible without shelling out millions, MSFS soars over the competition. This aerial masterpiece looks to stay the gold standard in home flight sims for the foreseeable future.

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