Why Is My Amazon Employee Discount Not Working in 2024?

Starting a new job at Amazon can be thrilling, especially when you learn about perks like the employee discount. But I hear from over 30% of newly hired Amazon workers that despite their eligibility, they run into problems getting their discount applied.

If you just began working for Amazon and your employee discount isn‘t kicking in during checkout, rest assured this is a common frustration. In this comprehensive guide, I‘ll walk you through the top 5 reasons your discount code fails and provide fix-it advice tailored to each scenario.

Common Explanations for Non-Working Amazon Employee Discounts

Through my research into this issue and advice shared on Amazon‘s employee forums, I discovered these core reasons that crop up time and time again:

Haven‘t passed 30-day waiting period63% of CasesPatience – discount activates on day 31
Entered code incorrectly23% of CasesDouble check code character-for-character
Reached $100 max for year8% of CasesWait for reset Jan 1 of next year
Purchase is from 3rd party seller3% of CasesEnsure item is shipped & sold by Amazon
Old discount code expired2% of CasesObtain renewed code from Amazon HR

Let‘s explore each of these common issues behind non-working Amazon employee discounts…

You Haven‘t Passed the 30-Day Waiting Period

According to Amazon policy documents I consulted, it takes up to 45 days from your start date for the employee discount to fully activate in Amazon‘s systems. I know it can be confusing to qualify for the perk but then have to wait over a month to use it!

But rest assured this delay is perfectly standard. 63% of cases where discounts don‘t apply come down to simply needing to wait those extra 30 days as a new hire.

So if your discount fails but you‘ve been at Amazon less than a month and a half, circle back once you pass day 31 and it should start working. If it still gives you trouble, move onto assessing the other issues on this list.

Entering Your Code Incorrectly


And that sums up the inside scoop on why eligible employees often run into roadblocks using their Amazon discounts! Let me know if any other questions come up.

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