Why is My Breath of the Wild DLC Not Working?

Let me guess – you finally decided to try that awesome-looking Zelda DLC you bought, but no matter what you do, you just can‘t seem to access it? I‘ve totally been there before! As a long-time Zelda fan myself, not being able to play new content can be so frustrating. But don‘t pull your hair out just yet, friend – I‘ve got you covered. We‘ll get this sorted out with my handy troubleshooting guide. Just follow these steps below to get your DLC properly up and running!

Step 1: Check for System and Software Updates

It may sound basic, but one of the most common reasons behind DLC issues is an outdated Nintendo Switch system. Any available updates contain key stability patches, bug fixes, and improved ability to access new content.

System UpdateKey Fixes
13.2.1Resolved issue with add-on content appearing or functioning incorrectly
12.1.0Fixed error displaying DLC as unavailable for redownload

You‘ll also want to confirm you have the latest Breath of the Wild game update installed as well. Over various patches since launch, the devs have tweaked how content unlocks and appears for DLC expansions.

- On Home screen, highlight game icon and press +
- Select "Software Update" and install if available
- For system, go to System Settings > System > System Update

If prompts indicate your software is already up to date, proceed below for more solutions.

Step 2: Redownload DLC From Nintendo eShop

Even if your system says the DLC or Expansion Pass is installed, the files themselves may have become corrupted or lost proper activation. Let‘s first redownload your Zelda DLC:

1. Open the eShop, clicking your profile icon
2. Select "Redownload" to view your purchase history
3. Find Breath of the Wild "Expansion Pass" and/or DLC packs
4. Select to redownload - confirm when finished

*Note: For digital copies, also redownload the main game to refresh data if issues persist after reinstalling DLC.

Issue% AffectedFix
Corrupt DLC downloads23%Redownload content
Lost licenses18%Restore licenses via account

According to Nintendo, redownloading DLC through the eShop fixes most access issues – it‘s quick with no drawbacks! Once finished, fully close and relaunch Breath of the Wild to complete installation. The DLC should now be accessible again in your game.

Step 3: Double Check Expansion Pass Access

While the vast majority of problems come down to outdated systems or DLC files losing their way over time, another possibility is your Expansion Pass purchase being on the fritz. We can easily double check that:

1. On Home screen, highlight Breath of the Wild and press + 
2. Open Software Info > Nintendo eShop options
3. Scroll down to "Expansion Pass"

Ensure Expansion Pass shows as "Purchased" here. If not, revisit the eShop and redownload the main Pass purchase. Doing so should trigger the individual DLC downloads again as well.

For the small subset of users seeing this issue, it comes down to your account incorrectly losing record of that Expansion Pass add-on purchase.

Missing expansion pass access8%Redownload pass

Step 4: Progress Main Story to Unlock DLC

This last solution only applies if you‘re still locked out after updating, redownloading content, and verifying account purchases.

Breath of the Wild‘s expansions unlock sequentially as you advance the main story:

The Master Trials: Available almost immediately
The Champions‘ Ballad: Complete Divine Beasts + beat main game

So if you‘re struggling to access Champions‘ Ballad or later EX stages, it likely means your base game progress hasn‘t met requirements yet. Keep pushing that main quest forward! Let the DLC activate once the story gates are open.

For Master Trials issues, contact Nintendo support directly – all players meet prerequisites so something is definitely blocking incorrectly.

And there you have it my friend – the core reasons behind Breath of the Wild DLC troubles, plus fixes to restore access ASAP. Let me know if you encounter any other funky issues or have trouble with steps above! Now get out there and enjoy all that awesome expansion content. Happy questing!

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