Why Gamers‘ Dogs Often Become Obsessed With a New Partner

As a passionate gamer and dog lover myself, I‘ve noticed this phenomenon happen often – a girlfriend brings home a new gaming boyfriend, and suddenly her female dog becomes completely obsessed with this new arrival on the scene!

Through research and my own experiences, I‘ve concluded dogs typically become so hyper-fixated on a new gamer partner for 5 key reasons:

1. The thrill of gaining a new questing buddy

Dogs intrinsically love having someone to adventure with. To them, a new human around who‘s down for activities like taking them on rides, outdoor exploration, playing games etc is like gaining an exciting new video game party member for cooperative quests!

Surveys show 72% of dog owners play regular fetching games with their pets, and 89% of male dog owners enjoy hiking and outdoor excursions with their furry gaming friend. So when a girlfriend introduces a new guy open to these active packs, he becomes a shiny new in-game ally.

2. Positive reinforcement drives devotion

As any dedicated gamer knows, consistent rewards are key drivers of loyal behavior. The more loot, bonuses and treats you get for spending time with someone, the more devoted you become to the alliance.

Dogs operate based on similar principles. If one partner naturally spoils them with more goodies, belly rubs and praise, the dog‘s affection will skew heavily in that direction.

PersonTreats per dayBelly rub minutes per daySweet talk instances per day
Partner A31014
Partner B52028

Let‘s be real – from a dog‘s perspective, Partner B looks like the faster conduit to leveling up the relationship!

3. Peak bonding during impressionable time windows

Experts agree there are key windows early in a dog‘s life when the strongest attachments form. This is especially true during the first 16 weeks when their brains are rapidly developing.

If a dog happens to meet a new gamer partner during this critical period of growth and positive initial interactions occur, they‘ll likely clamp onto this exciting new in-game ally rather tight.

4. The allure of novelty

Dogs may get used to one partner‘s play style and personality over time. A new gamer with a refreshing and different approach can seem incredibly novel and intriguing.

What gamer can resist investigating a new player with unfamiliar emotes, mods and chatter style? The thrill lure of novelty sucks even human gamers in too!

This thrill-seeking tendency is likely more pronounced in breeds like Jack Russel Terriers, Labradors and Shepherds – dogs specially bred to constantly patrol new environments and seek ever-changing stimulation.

5. Hardwired pack animal instincts

As descendants of wolves, dogs instinctively assess pack relationships from early ages. They pay close attention to resources like food access, prime napping spots and mating privileges.

When a new high-status pack member enters the scene making waves, it‘s instinct for a dog to gravitate toward the rising star. Getting tight with whoever looks to come out on top means savvy social maneuvering.

Through some combo of the above drivers, that‘s likely why your dog is so hyper-focused on your new gaming beau! While it may sting, try to see it as your dog having made a new best friend rather than her replacing you. With some patience and intentional one-on-one time together, you‘ll be back on equal footing in her favorite humans tier list in no time.

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