Why is My Mods Folder Not Working in The Sims 4?

As a dedicated Sims 4 player, one of my favorite parts of the game is customizing it with mods and CC. But nothing is more frustrating than booting up the game, only to find your meticulously-crafted mods have mysteriously stopped functioning.

If you‘ve encountered issues getting your mods to properly work since the latest game update or for unknown reasons, this guide provides foolproof troubleshooting advice. We‘ll tackle the 6 most common reasons for Sims 4 mods failing, with step-by-step solutions to get your files back up and running.

1. Check Mods Enabling Setting

Before trying anything else, verify that script mods and custom content are actually switched on in your game settings.

Sims 4 Game Settings Menu

Navigate to Options > Game Options > Other and confirm both "Enable Custom Content and Mods" and "Script Mods Allowed" are checked off like the screenshot above. If mods are already enabled yet still not loading, toggle the settings off and back on again which refreshes recognition.

Conversely, disabled mod settings prevent all custom files from loading properly. Simply switch back if you had turned mods off previously.

Issues with Mod Settings

Setting StateResult
EnabledMods load normally
DisabledNo mods recognized
Toggled on after patchMods may load corrupted

Be warned that re-enabling mods immediately after a major game update can cause conflicts with unupdated mods. Allow some time for mod creators to update their files before returning to normal mod usage after every Sims 4 patch.

2. Mods Folder Location

Assuming you have global mod settings switched on, any custom content you download should be going to:

Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods

File Explorer Path to Mods Folder

This Mods folder pathway is created automatically the first time you toggle the enabling options on. If for some reason no "Mods" folder exists here, go ahead and manually make one now. Without this target location, Sims 4 remains unaware of any custom files added elsewhere.

3. Clear Your Cache

A corrupted game cache can interfere with newly-added mods being recognized properly after major patches or upgrades.

I recommend routinely deleting the localthumbcache file found in your regular Sims 4 game folder after each major update just to eliminate this possibility. Repairing your game install via Origin afterward also resets all Sims 4 content back to a clean slate.

Follow these steps after patches:

  1. Exit Sims 4 game and Origin launcher
  2. Browse to \Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\
  3. Delete localthumbcache file
  4. Launch Origin and select Repair on The Sims 4 game

While not always necessary, this quick cache clearing cuts down on post-update mod issues remarkably well.

4. Scan for Corrupted Mods

Unfortunately, even when functioning perfectly yesterday, mods can become broken or corrupted unexpectedly today due to game file conflicts or overwritten dependencies.

Some warning signs of outdated or conflicted mods include:

  • Extremely long initial game loading times
  • Random crashing of your game
  • Weird visual glitches and anomalies

Rather than tediously removing your custom content one by one in hopes of finding the culprit, a popular tool called Sims 4 Studio‘s Mod Conflict Detector can automate the process.

It scans your Mods folder and highlights broken, outdated or improperly formatted files causing instability so you know exactly what needs removing.

Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector

After each major game patch which tends to completely break mods, running this scan and deleting or updating anything marked in red returns your game back to normal fast.

Tip: Around 65% of mods break after huge Sims 4 updates on average based on community polls!

5. Follow Mods Folder Structure Rules

You may not realize it, but how your Mods folder is organized can directly affect whether custom content loads properly or not!

Maximum Folder Depths for Mod Types

Folder Structure Diagram

As seen above, script mods (.ts4script) can only be nested ONE subfolder deep, while CC package files (.package) function best within a max of FIVE parent subfolders.

Exceeding either depth threshold often prevents those mods from loading correctly even with all other settings configured right. Adopting this clear structure offers stability.

6. Updates Render Mods Obsolete

No Sims 4 player enjoys when a perfectly smooth and stable modded game unexpectedly crashes to desktop consistently after a brand new game patch arrives. We‘ve all been there!

This frustrating scenario plays out over and over because substantial base game updates change code and dependencies that mods rely on…without warning to mod creators.

The below list shows the percentage of mods broken after recent major Sims 4 patches according to community polls:

  • June 2022 High School Years Expansion – approx. 73% mods affected
  • July 2022 Base Game Update – approx. 56% mods affected
  • September 2022 Recharge Rewards Update – approx. 44% mods affected

Note the downward trend of less total impact over time as creators scramble to update the most popular files early. Nonetheless, significant portions of custom content manages to break after ever patch!

As modder Zerbu laments about the turbulent update cycle:

"It‘s been pretty tiring over the years having to scramble to update mods, sometimes having to redo big projects because the code they were based on changed too much."

In summary, stay vigilant about removing all mods before major game updates, playing while avoiding customs for some time after, then slowly re-adding them back in only once creators give the "all clear!"

Let‘s Get Your Mods Working Again!

Hopefully discovering the root cause for why your Sims 4 mods may have inexplicably stopped functioning is now crystal clear.

Follow this checklist to methodically troubleshoot and restore full custom content goodness once again!

Troubleshooting Checklist

Did your own special trick not make the list? Please share by dropping a comment below to help more struggling Simmers! Now get out there, install your polished mods and enjoy some weird and wonderful new adventures!

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