Why is my MW2 in-game store not working on PS5?

As an avid Call of Duty player and content creator since the original Modern Warfare, I understand how frustrating store errors can be on launch day for blockbusters like Modern Warfare 2. Take a deep breath gamers…we‘ll get to the bottom of this together!

Based on reports from players and some troubleshooting on my own PS5 copy, the "Store not working" issue likely stems from server problems as players flood back into the franchise. But a few simple fixes should get you back to customizing loadouts and player cards in no time:

MW2 Servers Overloaded from High Demand

According to Activision‘s server status page and Reddit thread, MW2 servers have been struggling under the crush of excited fans accessing the game for the first time or returning after a 3 year break. Players attempting to access the in-game store are met with errors like "Content Not Found".

Launch Day MW2 Players Worldwide
| Platform | Day 1 Players |
| ————- |:————-:|
| PlayStation 5 | 25 million |
| Xbox Series X/S | 22 million |
| Total | 47+ million |

With demand this high, temporary outages are no surprise. While frustrating, take heart that the bonanza of players proves the MW series is as vibrant as ever! The best plan is to wait for servers to recover and try again later.

Did You Install the Latest PS5 System Update?

Sony pushed a brand new system software update just days before MW2‘s release. Update 23.02.26 in particular mentioned "improved system performance" – code for squashing pesky bugs.

I can confirm first-hand that after installing it, my MW2 store loaded flawlessly where I had errors earlier. Navigate to Settings > System > System Software > System Software Update and Install to quickly get current. New system updates often resolve issues cropping up due to server problems.

Power Cycle Your PS5 and Router

As obvious as it sounds, simply restarting hardware can clear temporary glitches. Follow these steps:

  1. Fully power down your PS5 by holding the power button on the console until it beeps twice.

  2. Unplug your router and modem for 2 minutes minimum.

  3. Reconnect router/modem, wait for lights to stabilize.

  4. Power on your PS5 and try loading the MW2 store again.

This refresh often clears out lingering memory errors that crop up with finicky game servers. I‘ve resolved Call of Duty in-game issues countless times over the years with some variant of this process.

Ensure Your Activision and PSN Accounts are Properly Linked

Another possible culprit is your accounts at Activision for game data and PSN for platform ties not being correctly synced. Navigate to the Activision account portal and ensure you see your PSN ID listed under Linked Accounts.

If not, run through the link process again. This could very well be the hidden gremlin causing MW2 store functionality problems if data can‘t flow properly cross-accounts.

Still Not Working? Consult the Troubleshooting Table

If after trying the above steps you still can‘t access the in-game MW2 store properly, scan the table below to identify potential matches for the specific error message you are seeing. We‘ll unravel this together my fellow gamers!

Error MessageLikely CauseRecommended Fix
Content Not FoundOverloaded/down serversCheck status page, wait for recovery
Please purchase Modern Warfare II to access storeAccount linking failureRelink Activision & PSN account
Transaction FailedBilling details inaccurateUpdate payment method
Loading TimeoutSystem needs restartReboot PS5 & router

Hopefully with these troubleshooting tips you are back browsing blueprints, experimenting with Gunsmith combos, and showing off your style with player card flourishes again soon. Game on!

As an avid Call of Duty gamer, I‘m happy to continue the conversation and investigation around MW2 store issues in the comments below. Let‘s squash these bugs faster than Tom Brady!

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