Why is my Necromancer so Weak in Diablo Immortal? An In-Depth Specialist Guide

As a passionate Diablo gamer and Necromancer-main myself, I understand the frustration of seeing your reaper of souls lag behind the party in damage or repeatedly get crushed in PvP. If your Necromancer feels weak, this comprehensive troubleshooting guide will uncover what‘s holding them back and provide specialized tips to unleash their full destructive potential.

Core Reasons Why Necromancers Underperform

Through extensive testing and research into top performer builds, I‘ve identified the most prominent issues plaguing feeble Necromancers:

Incorrect Stat Distribution

Choosing ineffective skills/runes

Subpar or Poorly-Synergized Gear

Inadequate Gem Upgrades

Low Resonance Ranking

Addressing each of these areas systematically, rather than just one or two, can vastly amplify your Necromancer‘s capabilities to stand toe-to-toe amongst the S-tier classes dominating the battlefield.

Stats: Balancing the Unholy Trinity

As masters of deathly magic, Necromancers primarily rely upon a trinity of core stats:

  • Intelligence – Directly increases all skill damage
  • Vitality – Boosts overall health pool
  • Fortitude – Strengthens armor mitigation

Ideally by max level, these should reach a ~1.5:1:1 ratio or your Necromancer risks being too much of a fragile spellcaster or lumbering tank.

Recommended End-Game Stat Ratios:

Intelligence - 150-200 points
Vitality - 100-150 points  
Fortitude - 100-150 points

Balancing Int for destructive spells, Vit to take big hits, and Fort to shrug off blows makes an unstoppable juggernaut.

Tip: When leveling, personally add more points into Vitality and Fortitude first before focusing all in on Int scaling. This makes early game smoother before you gain power.

Maximizing Damage Through Smart Skill Selections

Necromancer skills span spooky staples like:

  • Summoning more skeletal sidekicks
  • Turning corpses into ticking time-bombs
  • Unleashing bone prisons to entrap foes

With up to 16 active and passive abilities to tinker with, the combinations may seem endless. But certain combos excel far above the mediocre masses when honed correctly.

Sample S-Tier PvE Build:

Primary - Bone Spear 
Secondary - Corpse Explosion 
Utility - Command Skeletons / Wraith Form  
Passives -  Essence Drain, Extended Servitude 
Ultimate - Frozen Army

Pro Tip: Always take Essence Drain to amplify all your skill damage substantially through summoned creature sacrifices.

Gearing For Domination

Gear defines your playstyle, but coupling specific rewards with aligned Necromancer skills separates the Reapers from the spineless.

Craftable Set Bonuses like Grace of the Flagellant providing an aura to buff allies +300 Int can make up for less-than-perfect secondary affixes.

Whereas absolute top-shelf legendary items granting extra minion duration or even a chance of 300% increased Corpse Explosion damage should take priority in loadouts.

Gear SlotStrong Options
HelmetLost Grace (bonus summons)
ChestGrace of the Flagellant (aura buffs Int)
GlovesHellcat Waistguard (rapid Essence Gain)
BootsScoria Stride (Increased Burn Damage)
Primary WeaponGlassknife of Lost Souls (+15% Possession Damage)

Pro-Tip: Utilize the Codex Dissembler to extract legendary powers into transferable gems you slot into other gear too! This lets you double up on potent perks.

Step Into the Light – Gems Are Truly Outrageous

The fiery facets socketed into your equipment should never be overlooked. Matching gem types providing straight bonuses to Intelligence or Critical Damage for example can increase overall damage exponentially:

Gem Damage Scaling

lvl 1 - +60 Intelligence
lvl 5 - +400 Intelligence 
lvl 10 - +1000 Intelligence

With the upper echelon providing up to double that amount, leaving gems unleveled is leaving tons of free damage untapped!

Push Higher Rifts Through Resonance Ranking

Advancing your overall Resonance level gifts percentage-based improvements to all core stats in tandem. But for Necros seeking that damage edge, bolstering both:

  • Magic – Increases Intelligence
  • Ferocity – Boosts Critical Damage

Should remain high priorities. Just scoring above average here will already elevate you past underperformers.

Other Notable Factors

A few additional things to evaluate if your Necromancer still lacks impact:

  • Playstyle – Are you properly positioning in fights to avoid heavy hits while dealing damage? Some adjust may be needed.
  • Paragon – Have you allocated Paragon points into offensive branches for extra skill potency?
  • Warband – Is your group providing sufficient buffs? Seek one that offers Intelligence or Resistance Shred bonuses.
  • Server – High latency hurts Necromancer damage uptime and reaction times immensely.

Hopefully uncovering all these impactful areas provides a clearer picture of optimizing your Necromancer from 0 to 100. Let me know if you have any other questions in becoming the badass reaper you were meant to be!

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