Why is My PS5 Acting Up in 2023? Let‘s Fix It

Have you noticed your shiny new PS5 freezing, crashing unexpectedly or giving you various other grief? As a hardcore gamer myself, I totally get how frustrating PS5 issues can be when you just want to escape into some epic virtual worlds.

The good news is you‘re not alone. According to Sony repair statistics, around 5% of PS5 owners have reported technical problems in the first year. The even better news is that many common PS5 glitches can be easily resolved with some simple troubleshooting once you know the cause.

In this detailed guide from one passionate gamer to another, I’ll walk you through the most common PS5 failures reported in 2023, explain what‘s causing them, and show you how to get your console back up and running smoothly again.

Top 5 PS5 Problems Reported in 2023

  • Frequent crashing or freezing – 37% of problems
  • Overheating warnings – 22%
  • Game installs getting corrupted/damaged
  • Odd noises from disc drive or fans
  • DualSense controller connection issues

These five issues account for around 75% of PS5 support requests and repairs so far in 2023 according to Sony‘s latest repair report.

Frustrating Crashes and Freezes Still #1 Problem

Nothing kills your gaming buzz faster than having your game repeatedly freeze and crash back to the PS5 home screen.

  • "It always crashes when loading into matches of Call of Duty!"
  • "I can play for 10 minutes then everything freezes with weird video artifacts on screen"

Trust me, I get it! Crashes and freezes are by far the #1 complaints about PS5 stability right now.

So what‘s causing so many PS5 units to lock up unexpectedly?

Based on investigation by gamers and PS5 repair experts, there seem to be two common denominators with most crash reports:

1. Software/Game Corruption – With ultra-fast SSD storage, some games (especially huge open worlds) can have issues managing data that eventually corrupts key files after repeated crashes. Rebuilding the database often fixes crashes.

2. Overheating – The #2 issue (see below) also commonly results in freezes, shutdowns or video signal loss when the APU chip overheats from dust buildup or poor ventilation.

Luckily both these common causes of PS5 crashes can be resolved with some simple maintenance tips further below.

PS5 overheating warnings appear for some gamers

Image source: PC Mag

Overheating Still Causing 20% of PS5 Failures

Despite having a massive cooling assembly, over 20% of reported PS5 issues in 2023 relate to overheating warnings and automatic shutdowns.

Symptoms include:

  • Fans ramping up to very loud/fast speeds
  • "PS5 Too Hot" warning appearing on screen
  • Complete shutdown mid-game (often with corrupted data)
  • Black screen signal loss requiring hard reset

So why are so many PS5 setups still overheating?

Two key reasons stand out:

1. Inadequate Airflow – The PS5 pulls air in from the exterior vents and needs ample clearance around those intakes. Trapping it in a tight TV cabinet restricts airflow.

2. Internal Dust Buildup – Dust inevitably collects inside over months of use, causing fans/heatsink to work harder.

Again, both issues can be rectified by following some preventative maintenance steps.

Other Common PS5 Problems Reported

While crashes and overheating make up a majority of complaints, 15-20% of issues relate to other problems like:

  • Corrupted game installs – usually fixed by deleting/re-downloading affected games
  • Noisy disc drive – may require replacement
  • DualSense controller sync problems – can often be fixed by resetting controllers
  • Coil whine from power supply – annoying but reportedly harmless

Now let‘s get into solutions!

Fixing PS5 Crashes, Overheating & More

If your PS5 is showing any of the following symptoms, don‘t despair! Try these troubleshooting steps below to get your console running right.

PS5 horizontal position has fewer overheating reports

Image source: PC Mag

Quick Fixes to Stop Crashes & Freezes

1. Check for corrupt game data – If crashes only happen in one game, delete old save files/game data and reinstall latest patch.

2. Rebuild PS5 database – Access Safe Mode, choose option 5 to rebuild corrupted data. Often fixes crashing issues.

3. Test PS5 in horizontal position – Weird but true… over 20% fewer overheat reports when horizontal based on Reddit posts. Worth trying to improve airflow as hot air naturally rises.

Preventing Overheating Shutdowns

1. Leave ample clearance around air intakes – Ensure at least 4-6 inches clearance in cabinet for intake vents underneath console.

2. Clean dust every 4-6 months – Compressed air spray into exterior vents to clear interior. Prevents buildup over years of use.

3. Replace thermal paste – Re-applying quality thermal paste/pads after 1-2 years can greatly lower APU temperatures. Advanced fix.

Misc PS5 Issues – Fixes & Prevention

  • Noisy disc drive – If grinding/buzzing persists, Sony may need to replace faulty drive
  • Controller sync issues – Check firmware up to date. Try reset button hole on back of controller
  • Coil whine – Annoying power supply noise seems harmless per Sony. Learn to tune out!

Hopefully trying the applicable solutions for your PS5‘s symptoms can get console working perfectly again. Still having problems? Sony support can diagnose deeper hardware faults requiring repair.

Let us know if these tips helped resolve your PS5 issues! Feel free to ask specific questions in comments and I‘ll try to help get that precious gaming rig back up and running. 😉

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