Why is my PS5 copying the game?

As a fellow passionate gamer and PS5 expert, I totally understand the frustration when you excitedly go to play a game after downloading an update, only to be left waiting indefinitely for files to copy.

The good news is this copying isn‘t random – it‘s actually a background safety feature to prevent game crashes and bugs for the PS5 user base. Here‘s exactly why it happens and how you can speed up copying on your system!

What‘s Happening During Copying

When applying a game patch or update on PS5, rather than directly overwriting data, your system makes a full copy first. This redundant approach takes longer but ensures update data integrates cleanly and safely across the millions of PS5 consoles out there.

For large 100GB+ files, this process can mean long minutes if not hours before you play. The console needs to:

  1. Fully read the original huge game file
  2. Integrate the update payload data
  3. Completely write out the new copy
PS4 Copy Speed (HDD)5-10 MB/s
PS5 Copy Speed (SSD)Up to 20x faster!

So while PS5 copying is faster than PS4 thanks to the SSD, it can still seem like an eternity.

Why Not Just Quickly Patch Games?

Excellent question! Why doesn‘t Sony just apply small patches rapidly like on other platforms?

  • Fully rewriting game installs rather than editing live data reduces corruption risk
  • Vital for stability across the vast PS5 installed base
  • Prevents crashing issues and save data errors

So while inconvenient for us gamers, it prevents much bigger hassles down the line!

Speeding Up PS5 Copying Times

While the copying may seem inherent to running big games on PS5, there are several ways we can accelerate the process:

Enable Rest Mode

  • Copying runs in rest mode, up to 2x faster than active mode
  • Downloads also accelerate with the console‘s focus

Wired Internet

  • Reduce latency and prevent WiFi bottlenecks/competition

Close Other Apps

  • Prevent OS bandwidth competition from updates etc

Ensure Proper Ventilation

  • Prevent thermal throttling of SSD speeds

Rebuild Database

  • Clears caches and restores optimal performance

By tweaking several simple system settings like these, we can achieve much faster copying speeds despite the large sizes involved.

It‘s a purposeful tradeoff by Sony between convenience and multi-million unit stability. But with some informed optimization, we can enjoy the best of both worlds!

Let me know if this sheds light on the infamous PS5 "copying" behavior and how you can speed up process. Happy gaming!

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