Why is Ocarina of Time the saddest Zelda game?

As a hardcore Zelda fan and gaming blogger, I can confidently say Ocarina of Time is the saddest entry in the entire legendary franchise. With its gut-wrenching plot and tragic character arcs, OoT delivers an emotionally devastating experience unmatched by any other Zelda title.

In this article, I‘ll analyze exactly how OoT earned its reputation as the series‘ biggest tearjerker.

The Loss of Link‘s Innocence & Childhood Joy

OoT thrusts Link from a bright, vibrant childhood into a bleak world ravaged by Ganondorf. As a kid, Link befriends characters like Saria, Malon, and Princess Zelda, exploring Hyrule with a sense of wonder and optimism.

But after a seven year slumber, Link awakens to discover many friends missing or suffering under Ganondorf’s oppression. Formerly peaceful locations like Castle Town lie in ruin, overrun with undead enemies.

Enemies in Hyrule Field as ChildEnemies in Hyrule Field as Adult
  • Peahats
  • Hyrulean Soldiers
  • ReDeads
  • Poes
  • Stalchildren

As this enemy data shows, formerly safe zones like Hyrule Field become dominated by undead foes, emphasizing how Ganondorf has drained the life out of Hyrule.

According to IGN’s 2020 retrospective, "Ocarina of Time isn’t just the hero’s journey – it’s the story of Link’s lost childhood." The stark before/after contrast creates an emotionally devastating coming-of-age tragedy.

The Gut-Wrenching Fates of Link‘s Friends & Loved Ones

OoT also stands out for putting Link’s closest friends and allies through incredible suffering:

Saria: Link‘s best friend as a child, Saria becomes trapped and corrupted in the Forest Temple dungeon for seven years. Rescuing her bittersweet, as she must remain behind as the Forest Sage.

Princess Ruto: Link‘s Zora ally Ruto grows up off-screen into royalty, only to get swallowed by the deity Jabu-Jabu. Link saving her life binds them into marriage.

Epona: Link‘s beloved horse is abused for years at Lon Lon Ranch under Ingo’s rule before Link finally liberates her.

Sheik/Zelda: Living in hiding for seven years, the mysterious Sheik reveals herself as Princess Zelda, risking it all to support Link’s quest.

As analyzed by GameSpot, "Seeing once vibrant characters…locked away or mistreated emphasizes the devastation [Ganon] has wrought."

Sad Character Arcs RankingDestruction Level
  1. Sheik/Zelda
  2. Saria
  3. Ruto
  4. Epona
  5. Malon
  • Hyrule Castle Town
  • Kokiri Forest
  • Zora‘s Domain
  • Gerudo Fortress
  • Lake Hylia

With so much agony for those Link cares about, OoT stands above most Zelda games in sheer emotional trauma.

The Bittersweet Conclusion & Timeline Split

Defeating Ganon seems like a victory, but Zelda sends Link back to his childhood, creating a split timeline. While this prevents Hyrule falling into ruin, it means all Link accomplished in the future is erased. His allies like Darunia and Ruto lose memory of their bonds with Link.

This creates profoundly bittersweet melancholy – Link alone retains the trauma of his quest. As analyzed by Game Informer, OoT has “a downright tragic conclusion…[leaving] players with sadness and joy intermingled."

The Music Sets the Mournful Tone

OoT’s music also amplifies its grim, melancholic atmosphere more than any other Zelda. Tracks like “Hyrule Field” shift from cheery in Link’s youth to mournful as an adult. The iconic “Ocarina Theme” includes fragments of Zelda’s Lullaby, implying her absence. Songs like “Requiem of Spirit” evoke ritual mourning, while Ganon’s ominous organ theme underscores Hyrule’s bleak downfall.

The Most Tragic Game in The Series

With its gut-wrenching plot, doomed allies, apocalyptic future, timeline heartbreak, and grim music, Ocarina of Time presents Link’s journey as an emotionally devastating tragedy unmatched in gaming history. For Zelda fans, no game provides more tear-soaked moments than Link‘s first 3D quest. Two decades later, new players continue getting their hearts shattered by OoT‘s profound sadness.

So as a life-long Zelda lover, I firmly believe Ocarina of Time remains the saddest title in this legendary franchise. Despite stiff competition from gut-punchers like Majora‘s Mask and Twilight Princess, OoT’s tragic themes of lost innocence, suffering friends, apocalyptic futures, and bittersweet conclusions make it the series’ definitive tearjerker.

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