Why is Odin so skinny in GoW? A closer look at the Allfather‘s frail appearance

As an avid GoW fan, I was shocked the first time Odin appeared on screen looking so skinny and feeble. This is a far cry from his usual image as the mighty Allfather of Norse legend. After some deep analysis following my complete playthrough of Ragnarok, I‘ve gathered some intriguing theories about why Odin looks so physically wasted.

A lifetime of obsession has taken its toll

Odin has devoted his entire existence towards one goal: forestalling Ragnarok and his own destined death at the hands of the giants. This obsession has come at great personal cost. He has sacrificed body parts, subjected himself to long periods of starvation and exposure, and dealt with immense stress from trying to control all nine realms.

After thousands of years consumed by this fixation, is it any wonder that Odin is but a shadow of the robust warrior he once was? His body may be broken, but his obsession continues burning bright.

The missing eye that sees all

We learn from Mimir that Odin sacrificed an eye at Mímir‘s Well in exchange for cosmic wisdom. But the 2016 comic series God of War: Fallen God shows that Odin has been without his eye for over 200 years. Having a missing eye for two centuries would be highly physically taxing for even an Asgardian.

In addition, Mimir hints that Odin‘s penchant for plucking out body parts to gain abilities has left its mark, saying he looks like "a reanimated corpse". So his missing eye is just one factor in his skeletal appearance.

Ravages from hanging on Yggdrasil

Odin was also said to have hung himself from the world tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nights, pierced by his own spear, in exchange for further prophecy from the Norns. Just imagine the emaciated state his body must have been left in after over a week of exposure and self-impalement.

This Tree ordeal seems to have had lasting consequences, leaving the Allfather looking gaunt and ravaged numerous centuries later.

An empire in decline

It‘s symbolic how Odin‘s sickly physical form in God of War Ragnarök mirrors the decline of his empire and loss of control over the nine realms.

As his power wanes, cracks have emerged in his intimidating persona, much like how his illusion as an imposing warrior gives way to reveal an ailing old man. Odin‘s frailty signifies that his long reign is finally nearing its end.

A deception tactic?

However, we should remember that the Allfather is known for cunning above all. Is it possible that Odin‘s weak appearance is simply a facade meant to deceive his enemies? After all, he was able to convincingly disguise himself as a generic soldier to manipulate Atreus.

Perhaps he wears the mask of a feeble elderly man to conceal his fearsome magical abilities. It would certainly cause folk to underestimate him, playing right into his tricks.

The mind remains sharp

Yet while Odin‘s body had withered, his brilliant strategic mind appears as sharp as ever. This is the schemes and stratagems that make him so deadly despite lacking physical prowess.

We see his masterful manipulation throughout the game, like cunningly using Atreus‘ insecurities against him. Despite looking frail, the Allfather‘s cleverness and sorcery means he continues to loom as Kratos‘ ultimate foe.

A pattern of cruelty

Odin‘s beloved son Thor seems to cop the worst of his rages. In one disturbing tale from Sindri, Odin rips out Thor‘s legendary hammer Mjolnir while he sleeps simply because Thor defied him.

This offers a sobering insight into how tyrannical Odin has become. It shows that despite missing an eye and all muscular mass, he remains an utterly merciless god-king.

After analyzing the evidence, Odin‘s emaciated appearance clearly stems from his extreme age, harmful obsession, and the many tolls he has inflicted on his own body chasing knowledge. While he puts on a front of feebleness, he stays a frighteningly sharp and ruthless adversary. Ultimately, his shattered body mirrors the gradual erosion of his total authority in the GoW universe. For the first time in eons, the Allfather finds his empire declining just as his ancient body fails him.

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